Dr. Joshua David Stone: Prosperity Consciousness, Money, and Material Success from the Soul’s Perspective
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University In series of books I have written, I realized that I have never written a chapter on prosperity consciousness and the issue of money from…
Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy: A Massive Effort is Now Underway
Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn061912.htm 10 Ix, 7 Kayab, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! We are watching the final pieces of your puzzle being solved by those who are…
The Group: The Trialitation of Love
By Steve Rother & The Group From Steve: This channel carried several intertwined messages. At the base of this channel was the message about love. They said that everything on Earth has to…
High Council of Orion: That Which is Not Truth will Dissolve
High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan www.crystalline-sanctuary.com Dear ones we come to guide and support as many are now FEELing the new energies, they may show up in your life experience as…
Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 154
By Aisha North Aisha North Today is a most auspicious day, as you once again pass through a celestial portal as it were. Let us explain. Today is the day when the sun…
Cobra Intel: Archons and the Veil
Monday, June 18, 2012 By Cobra 2012 Portal The Veil Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this…
June 2012 Astrology: New Moon and Summer Solstice
By Pat Liles Ascension for All New Moon Sun and Moon in Gemini 28º Tuesday, June 19 8:02 AM PDT Summer Solstice Wednesday, June 20 4:09 PM PDT Wouldn’t you know it, those…
Archangel Uriel: Surviving The Calm Before The Storm
By AuroRa Le. June 18, 2012. AuroRa Le ● The tiniest light can illuminate a room and it takes but a scant few torchbearers to blaze the the way for an entire…
Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 153
By Aisha North Aisha North As we touched briefly upon yesterday, you have now passed through into a whole new level of energetic alignments, and this will help you to find your way…