The Universal Laws: The Law of Change
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff The Law of Change is a law I have come to love very dearly. While some fear and fight it tooth…
Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy: You Are Witnessing the Final Days of the Cabal
HJ: According to the Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy, we are currently in the midst of the downfall of the Cabal. I can honestly say that assessing the last few years in retrospect,…
Mercury Goes Direct: What It Means For You in the Coming Days
HJ: The Healers Journal is happy to present this thoughtful and profound astrological forecast concerning Mercury going direct. Maya goes beyond the typical astrological forecast and delves into the esoteric nature of reality,…
The Team: You Are the Bridge
HJ: I first came across channelings from Peggy Black and The Team in the Sedona Journal. Peggy is an excellent channel and the messages from The Team are always filled with pertinent, succinct…
Jeshua Ben Joseph: Tremendous Preparations Have Been Taking Place
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman – August 8, 2012 John Smallman All in the spiritual realms are watching with fascination and excitement as humanity moves ever nearer to awakening. Your collective unconscious…
Marlene Sweltishoff: 8:8 Solar Lion Stargate (August 8th)
HJ: Excellent summary and explanation of the August 8th, 2012 8:8 stargate that is about to occur. These energetic portals offer exceptional opportunities for personal growth and development. They are also days during…
Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 179
HJ: It seems as though the issue of time travel is surfacing more and more these days. If you have not already had the chance, I highly recommend you read the incredible channeling…
The Universal Laws: The Law of Cause and Effect
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff A highly cryptic law, the Law of Cause and effect refers to the fact that we are responsible for the effects…
Cosmic Awareness: The Planet A/B Scenario and Ascension
HJ: For those still unclear about the whole planet A/B scenario, Awareness gives further clarification about the situation. Essentially, it all ties back into the espoused philosophy of ‘we create our own reality’….
Cobra Intel: Window of Opportunity 2
HJ: Well there is certainly a lot to ponder and be hopeful about in Cobra’s message today. It is in definite alignment with intel coming out of the Ben Fulford camp regarding big…