How I Healed an Incurable Disease With the Power of Love
HJ: Disease, sickness, illness and suffering are no match for the power of love. In fact, from a deeply metaphysical point of view, disease is caused by the internal stifling of love we experience…

Attitude Reconstruction: 6 Ways to Eliminate Fear and Anxiety From Your Life
HJ: You’ll often hear people saying things like face your fears and move forward anyways. But what if you could get rid of fear instead of living with it? What if you could…

11 Core Habits Of People Who Never Worry
HJ: Worry is like practicing what you don’t want. And yet, many people can’t seem to help themselves. Why is that? Because worry is actually the surface level symptom of a deeper problem….

4 Powerful Shamanic Exercises For Awakening Your Consciousness
HJ: Before modern medicine, modern psychology, there was the shaman. The shaman was the healer and for thousands of years they have developed powerful practices for raising consciousness. In fact, many would say…

Living From Your Heart: 22 Keys to Intuitive Living
HJ: Living intuitively is transcending the limits of the mind and tuning into a higher level of awareness that can never lead you astray. The rational mind is akin to a game of chess….

12 Spiritual Plants For Clearing Out Negative Energy and Bad Vibes
HJ: For thousands of years, shamans have been using plants to heal not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well. Negative energy, bad vibes, intense emotions and so on can…

How to Rewire Your Emotions With Simple Mindfulness Techniques
HJ: Your brain and emotions are dynamic — constantly changing and shaped by your experiences, your thoughts and your environment. Mindfulness is a way to control, and ultimately rewire your reactions to all…

How to Shift Your Consciousness and Raise Your Spiritual Awareness
HJ: Life is a journey of evolving consciousness, of continual spiritual growth and development. This happens through our experiences. Each is an opportunity to evolve and grow, should we understand the lesson contained…

12 Powerful Daily Rituals of the World’s Most Successful People
HJ: Success is not an accident. Success is the result of developing certain traits and characteristics that support self growth and learning at every level. And after reading about the 12 rituals that…

23 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Life All Over Again (No Matter Where You Are At)
HJ: If you’ve ever felt like life is starting to feel like a grind, then it’s time to shake things up a bit. That may mean doing something way outside of your comfort…