7 Powerful Mindset Shifts to Help You Rapidly Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
HJ: When you change how you see yourself — when you change how you see the world — you change what is possible for you. You begin to make different decisions and choices…

How to Deal with Unwanted Thoughts
HJ: Unwanted thoughts have deeper roots than many suspect and they keep you stuck in patterns that trap you where are at. In order to move up to the next level of being…

How to Tell if You Are Intuitively Connected to the Earth (and Why You Need to Know)
HJ: In highly evolved ancient societies and tribes, a strong connection to the Earth was considered one of the most important things you could possibly cultivate in life, although we seem to have…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: August 2014 Horoscope
August 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 So, putting on a…

How to Recognize When You Are Being Given Inner Guidance
HJ: Inner guidance comes to us in a myriad of ways — it can appear as intuition, synchronicities or unmistakable life events. The key thing is to recognize it as such and heed the…

How to Stay Positive, Even in the Face of Overwhelming Negativity
HJ: We all face negativity in our lives at some point — it’s a given. But how we chose to handle and react to it can either bolster us to new heights or…

How to Infuse Your Life With the Healing Power of Love
HJ: Love is your truest essence and the more you can get in touch with it, the better your life will become and the greater level of healing you will experience. Because all…

A Complete Guide to Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit With Crystals
HJ: The minerals that makeup crystals are literally stardust transformed over timescales unimaginable to the human mind. As such, they have some pretty remarkable healing properties. There are literally thousands of different varieties,…

10 Simple but Powerful Ways to Connect More Deeply With Yourself and Nature
HJ: The more deeply we are able to connect to ourselves, the more deeply we can connect to others and the world around us. The foundation of a truly happy and fulfilled life…

12 Things to Remind Yourself of When You Wake Up That Will Supercharge Your Day for Success and Joy
HJ: The moment when you first open your eyes everyday is a point of power. You still have a direct line into your subconscious mind that is not usually available during other times…