A Surefire Method to Experience More Joy and Compassion in Your Life
A Surefire Method to Experience Joy in Your Life By Srikumar Rao, Ph.D. | Psychology Today | Srikumar S Rao — Galileo got it wrong. The earth does not revolve around the sun. It revolves around you…

How to Make Big Changes in Your Life Effortlessly (Even When You Don’t Want to)
HJ: Accepting that change is inevitable is the first step in making it pleasurable, no matter how overwhelming, challenging or difficult. The truth is that we decide what we want to believe about…

The Secret to Attracting More Love Into Your Life
HJ: Love begets love. And you attract as much love as you are ready to receive. It flows to you in direct proportion to the amount you accept it into your life. And…

4 Ways to Deepen Your Gratitude and Open Yourself Up to More Happiness and Abundance
HJ: Happiness, abundance, peace of mind, appreciation and joy are just a few of the benefits of an authentic gratitude practice. And this is quite enticing, but it is important to always practice…

How to Deal With Family and Friends Who Are Not At Your Level of Consciousness
HJ: Relationships are created and maintained through shared values and worldview. When you shifts those things, people who don’t shift with you will typically fall away. This is totally normal and natural but the unenlightened…

8 Highly Effective Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted, Negative Thoughts
HJ: Thoughts are merely symptoms of more deeply held beliefs. But thoughts can also be used to discover your beliefs. By simply noticing your negative thoughts as they arise and then simply asking…

10 Life-Changing TED Talks That Will Help Inspire You to New Levels of Growth and Happiness
HJ: The finest minds talking about some of the most important, powerful subjects in your personal evolution towards greater self-mastery, happiness and growth. What more do we need to say? – Truth These…

What to Do When You Are Feeling Stuck: 10 Ways to Get Your Life Moving in a Positive Direction
HJ: When you are feeling stuck, it’s a sign that something needs to change. Usually that means simply looking at your life and situation differently, because after all, when you shift your perception,…

How to Master the 5 Stages of Life: Understanding Where You Are on the Path of Life
HJ: Life may seem chaotic and hectic at times, but in reality, it moves through 5 stages like clockwork. And if you understand what those stages are, you can stay centered, happy, at…

19 Transformational Questions That Will Help You Find Greater Happiness, Fulfillment and Passion in Life
HJ: He who looks within awakens, he who looks without, dreams. By asking yourself highly specific, probing questions, you can discover your souls deepest desires and unlock the inner workings of your mind….