Beyond Happiness: How to See the Wisdom in Negative Emotions
HJ: There is great wisdom in them thar’ negative emotions. But in all seriousness, ‘difficult’ emotions are the doorway to our most profound level of healing. They are the flower whose roots lead…

How to Stop Judging Yourself and Develop Unconditional Self-Confidence
HJ: We can be so hard on ourselves. But remember, you are doing the best you can with the tools you have. If what you are doing is not getting you the results…

The 6 Keys to Making Big Life Changes Almost Effortless
HJ: Change doesn’t have to be hard or difficult. It can be fun. Enlivening, inspiring and almost effortless. It just takes the right heart and mindset. In classic Leo Babauta fashion, he takes…

How to Nourish and Heal Your Energy Body
HJ: Science has now thoroughly proven the existence of an energy body and is beginning to understand what spiritual teachers and metaphysicists have long known — it is extremely important for your health…

How to Tap Into the 4 Levels of Intuitive Awareness
HJ: Intuitive abilities are usually all lumped together, however there are four distinct levels worth noting. Understanding the overlap and differences between these can be highly useful for learning to tune into your…

How to Harness the Incredible Healing Power of Acceptance
HJ: If the only spiritual principle you mastered in this lifetime was acceptance, you could consider this a life well lived. To put it quite simply, acceptance, in a sense, is one of the…

20 Tiny Changes that Will Completely Transform Your Life for the Better
HJ: Little changes can equal big transformation. Especially when the changes you make are deep. We are powerful creator beings and the tiniest shifts in our perception send reverberations out through our entire…

15 Things to Let Go of This Year For Greater Happiness, Health and Peace of Mind
HJ: Profound personal change can happen in an instant. The simple decision to let go of something that no longer serves you can massively impact the quality of your life for years to…

How to Transform Self-Criticism Into Self-Love
HJ: Transforming self-criticism into self-love is really the only thing you are here to do. Because it is aligning yourself with the true nature of reality, which IS that you are pure unconditional love…

How to Clear Mental and Emotional Blockages From Your Subconscious
HJ: Emotional blocks can be tricky little buggers. Secretly sabotaging our best intentions and dreams for ourselves and causing us to stay stuck in patterns that don’t serve us. But thankfully they are…