
How to Transcend Negative Emotions and Move Into Peace and Wholeness

HJ: Your emotional state is everything.  You will rarely do something out of alignment with your emotional state.  And so it is important to be able to get a handle on it —…


5 Simple Questions That Pretty Much Guarantee You’ll Be Successful at Any Pursuit

HJ: Success is the art of perseverance in the face of challenges, plain and simple.  If there’s a will there’s a way.  You will invariably face setbacks and challenges and unforeseen circumstances on…


3 Steps For Bringing Harmony And Healing Into Your Relationships

HJ: The relationships we have with others are simply a reflection of ourselves.  The people in our lives are mirrors of our own internal state of being.  Therefore, to shift your relationships in…

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Deep Sufi Wisdom to Help You Navigate Life’s Difficult Moments

HJ: What can the always wise and profound philosophy of Sufism teach us about handling life’s ups and downs?  Spiritual teacher and author Stewart Bitkoff reminds us that it’s not about resistance —…


How to Understand the Difference Between Soul, Spirit and Higher Self

HJ: Terms like soul, spirit and higher self are often used in an interchangeable and confusing way, but there is definitely a hierarchy and system to it all, which spiritual teacher Michael Roads…


How to Speak and Communicate From Your Heart for Greater Connection and Understanding

HJ: Those who are masters of communication experience greater ease, flow, influence and happiness in life.  In one sense or another, the planet runs on communication.  It is the lubricant of the machine…


16 Highly Effective Ways to Transform Unhappiness Into Joy

HJ: Given enough time, unhappiness will naturally transform into joy, but for most of us, we’d like to speed that process up as much as possible.  Enter Sangeeta Bhagwat with a whole list…


How to Master The Four Levels of Intuition

HJ: While most people see intuition as one specific skill or ability, it is actually comprised of four distinct levels of awareness.  This is an important thing to note because each level has…


A Highly Unconventional Meditation For Deep Inspiration, Healing and Vision

HJ: Meditation can be so much more than simply sitting with your eyes closed and watching your breath.  While that absolutely is meditation, there are many different styles and forms each with their…

lay down worry free

7 Powerful Ways to Positively Shift Your Attitude and Emotional State

HJ: The results you get in your life are largely a result of your emotional state (and at a deeper level your beliefs…) and so your attitude is in a sense, everything.  That…

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