How Stay Calm and Centered in Frustrating Situation (Even If You Have No Patience)
HJ: Staying calm is often easier said than done, but by following the tips in this article, you can learn to keep your cool even in the toughest of situations. The most important…

How to Heal and Clear Unwanted Emotional Energy
HJ: Emotions are energy in motion. And as you know, energy can become blocked and trapped within the body and mind for a number of reasons. Left unattended it can lead to disease…

How to Discover Your Purpose and Mission in Life
HJ: Whether you realize it or not, you are here on a mission. Your soul choose it before birth and it is your destiny to live it out fully, should you choose to…

10 Nutrition Lies You Need to Stop Believing If You Want to Experience Radiant Health and Wellness
HJ: When it comes to diet and nutrition, it’s a jungle out there. Dr. Mercola steps in in this comprehensive article to sort out fact from fiction in the great debate about what…

4 Powerful Ways to Connect With The Intuitive Wisdom of Your Body
HJ: Our bodies hold great wisdom and are often the keys to our intuitive intelligence and awareness. By learning to connect more deeply with your body through many of the powerful modalities outlined…

How to Successfully Navigate Major Changes and Upheaval in Your Life
HJ: We often fear the unknown and therefore we often fear change, but the truth is life is conspiring in your favor at all times. Either to a) show you where you still…

5 Effective Ways to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Uncertainty
HJ: Fear is not real. It is a misperception of events, circumstances and reality in general. By correcting your perception, you can effectively overcome fear, anxiety, uncertainty and any other negative emotional state…

8 Keys to Consciously Navigating Rough Patches in Your Relationships
HJ: Relationships have a tendency to bring out the best and worst in us and for that reason, they are excellent opportunities to practice living consciously and looking within to identify and heal…

40 Ways to Silence your Inner Critic
HJ: Your inner critic is that part of you that is still unhealed and is showing you where to focus your attention while doing your inner healing work. You want to listen to…