6 Healing Techniques To Help You Sleep More Deeply and Soundly

HJ: The sleep state is incredibly important as it is where we integrate our daily learning experiences on a higher, metaphysical and spiritual level.  It is also the yin balance to the yang energies of the daytime waking consciousness.  Therefore the quality of our sleep is of utmost importance in allowing us to get the most out of life at levels of the mind, body and spirit.  Good sleep is an essential part of our spiritual growth and one would be wise to address any imbalances here as they will eventually ripple out into other facets of your life.

Nancy Hausauer offers some excellent techniques below for improving depth and soundness of sleep using energetic healing modalities.  Towards the end of the piece she mentions using Delta Wave Binaural Beats which are excellent for this purpose.  The Healers Journal offers two different sound healings based on Delta Wave Binaural Beat technology available here: Soul Defragmentation and DNA Activation Sound Healings

Nightly use of this powerful music will greatly enhance the depth and quality of sleep.

– Truth

Energy Healing for Sleep

By Nancy Hausauer | The Energy Healing Site

How to Sleep Better with Energy Healing & Mind-Body Techniques

Can’t sleep? Here are some ways to use energy healing for sleep, along with some other alternative tools and tips for getting the rest you need.

Energy Healing for Sleep Brain Quieter Technique

If you’re lying in bed with your brain whirling, place your thumbs on your temples and rest your fingers comfortably on your forehead, where (on many people) there are two slight bumps. Hold them there, breathing slowly and evenly until you fall asleep.

Acupressure Points for Insomnia

1. Heart 7, “Spirit Gate” Location: On the inside of the arm in the crease of the wrist, in the depression in line with the little finger. Function: Calms an overactive mind, eases anxiety, relieves insomnia.

2. Spleen 6, “Three Yin Intersection” Location: Three to four finger-widths above the tip of the inner ankle bone, just behind the shin-bone. Function: balances emotions, eases insomnia and anxiety (also headaches and menstrual cramps). Don’t use when pregnant.

3. GV 16, “Wind Mansion” Location: In the center back of your head, in the large hollow under the base of the skull. Function: clears the head, benefits the central nervous system, releases mental stress, helps when you can’t sleep, nightmares, trauma, fear, and headache.

How to Sleep Better with Belly Breathing

Belly breathing — deep, rhythmical breathing all the way into the lower third of your lungs — is one of the best ways to relax your nervous system and fall asleep. It bridges the gap between the physical and subtle bodies, soothing the energy as well as the body-mind, and helps to connect us to the universal energy. Plus, it can help you feel better to know that even though you are awake and would rather be asleep, at least you’re doing something great for your health!

Surrender to Wakefulness

It seems counter-intuitive, but somehow surrendering to being awake helps you go to sleep. Don’t get up and do something else, as some experts advise, and don’t start thinking. Just lie there and be OK about being awake.

On an energetic level, I think that giving up your resistance to being awake somehow breaks up an energetic blockage, a sort of a shell that hardens around being awake and keeps it in place.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is a classic aromatherapy remedy for promoting sleep. Put a few drops into your pre-bedtime bath or on your pillow. You can buy it at most health food stores and online.

How to Sleep Better with Delta Wave Binaural Beats

Delta brainwaves are the signature of deep sleep. By listening to sound tracks that contain delta frequency binaural beats, you can entrain your brain to produce delta waves, thus encouraging sleep.

You can get inexpensive i-phone applications that allow you to customize sound tracks with the kind of brain-wave binaural beats that you want — in this case delta waves to help you sleep better. (But you can also choose alpha waves for relaxation, theta waves for creativity and meditation, and beta waves for alertness.)

Or try out this free on-line resource that allows you to customize a mix of soothing sounds, such as the ocean, birds, a steady drum beat, etc., AND add to it binaural beats for the brain state you want to achieve — in this case, sleep. You set a timer, press start, and away you go: http://www.soundsleeping.com/index.php

I hope these energy healing for sleep ideas and other mind-body insomnia treatments are helpful. I wish you a deep and restorative night’s sleep, tonight and every night.

An energy healer since 1993, Nancy Hausauer helps people shift and transcend blocks to creativity, clarity, peace, health and joy, so that they can live their lives to the fullest. She has a private practice in Tacoma, Washington and is also a writer and teacher. Her website “The Energy Healing Site” and her weekly blog offer extensive, down-to-earth information about energy healing and personal evolution. Her goal: An energy healer in every home! For more information visit: http://www.The-Energy-Healing-Site.com | http://www.The-Energy-Healing-Site.com/Energy-healing-blog.html

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