5 Keys to Successfully Navigating Big Shifts and Changes in Your Life
HJ: Big shifts and change can be scary and difficult as everything that gave you comfort and even a sense of identity begins to fall away. It can feel like you are floating…

How to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Intelligence, Happiness and Peace
HJ: Your brain is an incredible, highly adaptable ‘machine’ that can and does change with you as you evolve and grow. In fact, with a little knowledge of it’s basic patterns and functioning,…

9 Sacred Shamanic Herbs For Radiant Health and Powerful Healing
HJ: Shamanic wisdom regarding herbs goes far beyond mainstream knowledge and delves deep into the spiritual realms which remain virtually unexplored by modern science. Below, you will find a list of 9 powerful…

7 Ways to Figure Out What You Should be Doing With Your Life (Even When You Don’t Have a Clue)
HJ: Sometimes we get stuck. That’s when you need to think outside the box and look at your life and your situation differently. You must change your thinking, your assumptions and your perceptions…

How to Discover Your Mission in Life
HJ: When you know your mission, everything suddenly falls into place and your life really begins to becomes incredible. Knowing your mission gives you context and clarity and is a key component of…

How to Access Higher Dimensional Healing Energy
HJ: Higher dimensions are higher octaves and vibrations of energy than we typically experience here in physical reality. By attuning yourself to the higher dimensions of consciousness/reality, you can access potent healing energies…

How to Transform any Frustration or Challenge Into a Powerful State of Gratitude
HJ: Life is always trying to move us squarely towards what we want and need and challenges are an integral part of that journey. And, in fact, when we transform how we see and…

3 Powerful Questions to Help You Get Unstuck and Back in the Flow
HJ: Sometimes we just a need a little perspective adjustment to move from feeling stuck back into the flow. This article offers 3 powerful questions to help you make that shift. – Truth…

Simple, Highly Effective Techniques for Accessing the Power Your Subconscious Mind
HJ: The subconscious mind operates at 40 million bits of data per second, whereas the conscious mind processes at only 40 bits per second. The vast majority of our thoughts, behaviors, feelings, emotions and habits…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: December 2014 Horoscope
December 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 In order to step…