How to Stop Chasing Happiness and Start Experiencing It In Your Everyday Life
HJ: Experiencing lasting happiness requires you to be ok with not being happy in every moment. Happiness comes as the result of acceptance and letting go of what we think should be happening or…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: November 2014 Horoscope
November 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 The active energy of…

3 Powerful Ways to Change Your Outlook on Life and Start Creating Deep Happiness and Fulfillment
HJ: What you perceive quickly becomes your reality. Therefore changing how you see yourself and the world, changes everything. It is the most fundamental key to creating whatever it is you want to…

How A Simple Laser Pointer Can Heal You Faster And More Effectively Than Most Herbs and Medications
HJ: Lasers emit photon’s of light, which can catalyze powerful healing effects within the body. In fact, even simple, store bought laser pointers can be effective healing tools with the proper use and…

9 Powerful Ways to Tap Into Your Spiritual Abundance
HJ: Abundance is your birthright. It is the natural state of the cosmos and life as we know it. Look around you, abundance is everywhere — trees, flowers, food, air, water continually renew…

The Secret to Changing the World Through Higher Consciousness
HJ: The world cannot be transformed through the same level of consciousness that created the problems it is experiencing. However, by shifting to a higher level of consciousness, mass healing can begin. But this…

3 Buddhist Beliefs That Makes Them Happier and More Peaceful Than Any Other Society
HJ: Buddhism is an extremely wise spiritual system built around a set of ‘Noble Truths’ that produce happiness and peace like clockwork when they are integrated and understood. They have been the pillar…

9 Powerful EFT Techniques to Get Rid of the Fear of Uncertainty
HJ: We are all capable of greatness, however, it is only our deepest hidden fears that keep us from stepping into it. Remove the fears and with a little tenacity, greatness simply happens….