6 Simple But Powerful Ways to Live More Deeply and Spiritually In Your Everyday Life
HJ: To live more spiritually is to live in alignment with purpose, meaning, consciousness and wisdom. It does not mean to be religious, but it does mean to care about oneself and others…

20 Profound Things to Be Grateful For (That Will Change Your Life if You Let Them)
HJ: Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotional tools we have in our arsenal as creator beings. Simply because what you resonate with you attract more of into your life. Emotions are…

The 3 Keys to Long-Term Happiness in Life
HJ: Your level of happiness has everything to do with how you think, how you perceive yourself and how you approach life. Happiness, then is learned. And that is liberating. Because if you…

17 Little Known Medicinal Plants With Powerful Healing Properties
HJ: The beautiful thing about medicinal plants (vs drugs) is that they work to heal on every level — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This brings about complete, holistic healing rather than merely elimination…

5 Powerful Ways to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Stay Present, Centered and Happy
HJ: When we leave behind all the negative thinking and self-defeating thoughts, we suddenly find ourselves in the present moment, centered and happy. There are many techniques to do this, but it’s important…

15 Powerful Tips to Help You Dream Big and Achieve What You Set Your Heart and Mind To
HJ: Dream big. Live big. Play big. Ask big. Because even if you don’t get what you want, you’ll still get more than you would have playing small. And thinking and living big,…

How to Lovingly Silence Your Inner Critic Once and For All
HJ: You know that little voice in your head that says ‘you’re not good enough to do ____’? It’s time to shut it off. And it’s time to turn on the voice that…

The 6 Keys to Rapid Self Healing
HJ: Self-healing is actually the only form of healing that exists. Even when another ‘heals you’ they are only catalyzing innate healing responses within your own body and mind. Your self-healing is truly…

How to Quickly Calm a Restless, Racing Mind
HJ: Sometimes it feels like our mind has a life and mind of its own and has no interest in calming down and playing by our rules despite out best intentions and efforts…

3 Powerful Methods for Healing Your Past Emotional Wounds and Traumas
HJ: Your past does not equal your future unless you choose to let it have that power over you. That’s a big statement — so what exactly do I mean by that? Well,…