How to Strengthen the Intuitive Connection Between Your Brain and Heart
HJ: With the rise of scientific thought as the dominant paradigm in the West, the logical mind has taken over as the primary mode of perception and decision making. The problem with this is that…

How to Tell When ‘Health Food’ is Not Really Healthy
HJ: I remember when I first became health conscious. I immediately ran to my local health food store and began buying all my favorite snack foods in their organic and ‘all natural’ incarnations….

Clearing Up the Confusion Around Protein: What Types Are Best and How Much You Need
HJ: The problem with much of the information being put out today in regards to health is that it is highly polarized and heavily influenced by the dietary beliefs and philosophies of those…

How Sound Affects Human Consciousness and Health
HJ: Silence is elusive. We never actually experience silence as there is always some sort of sound being emanated, whether or not we can perceive it. Even in special recording studios designed to be…

7 Simple Guidelines To Help You Get the Most Out of Your Meditations
HJ: There is a delicate balance between rigidity and flexibility in meditation. If we try to adhere to too many rules and techniques, we risk losing the ability to shut off the mind…

9 Myths About Health That You Are Being Told By So-Called ‘Experts’
HJ: The hardest thing about getting healthy is cutting through all the well-meaning but downright misleading and even wrong information being put out not just by amateur health bloggers, but by highly educated,…

Are Your Beliefs Secretly Sabotaging Your Spiritual Evolution?
HJ: Beliefs tend to operate subconsciously until we become aware of them. They are like the laws of physics — always in effect and yet we don’t really notice them unless we make…

The 12 Habits of the Happiest People On Earth
HJ: Now more than ever, there is a crisis of happiness, which is ironic, because we now have the ‘key ingredients’ of happiness readily at our fingertips in the plethora of books and…

How to Stop Struggling and Step Into The Flow
HJ: Pushing harder only makes things harder. Struggle engenders more struggle, as per the law of attraction. I wan’t to let you in on a big secret: life can be as easy as…