June 2013

How to See Into Your Past Lives Using Multi-Level Awareness

HJ: Seeing into your past lives is not an ability that is limited to psychics, clairvoyants and other mystics.  It is actually a skill that you possess which simply needs to be developed…


5 Signs That Your Body Needs More Vitamins and Minerals

HJ: Our bodies are constantly communicating to us our state of health, we just have never been taught how to identify, read and interpret the signals.  We have been taught instead to go…


How to Train Your Mind to Promote Healing

HJ: The conditions for healing are created in the mind.  We may be tempted to look outside ourselves for healing — to the various doctors, chiropractors, coaches, guides, shamans and practitioners available en…


The 7 Traits of the Longest Lived People on the Planet (and How to Cultivate Them in Your Life)

HJ: When we think of the longest lived people on Earth, we tend to assume that there is some special foods they are eating or a certain set of exercises they do that…


How to Restore and Harmonize the Ten Layers of the Auric Field With Yoga

HJ: Proper care and maintenance of the aura is a key part of maintaining the health of the mind-body-spirit triad.  Yoga is quite powerful for these purposes and specific sets of asanas (postures)…


The Key to Finding Deeper Levels of Happiness Than You Ever Thought Possible

HJ: Often times we are not aware that we are keeping ourselves from being happy by simply having the perception that in some way whatever we are experiencing is not as it should…


The Mystical Art of Breathing: How to Access Higher States of Consciousness With Your Breath

HJ: Breathing is such an integral part of life that we tend to take it for granted.  It simply happens day in and day out endlessly, like the beating of our heart.  These…


3 Powerful Exercises to Help You Get and Stay Grounded

HJ: The ability to get and stay grounded at will is a powerful and useful skill that will aid you greatly in your journey through life.  While one does not always want to…


How to Expand And Evolve Your Intuition

HJ: Just like riding a bike, intuition is a learned skill which requires a bit of honing and practice.  There are various levels of competency and ability that one can achieve.  Unlike riding…


Visionary Artist Mark Golding Makes Incredibly Intricate Mandalas That Evolve Consciousness

HJ: This gem of an artist turned up in our inbox the other day and we felt compelled to share his visionary, mystical work with the Healers Journal community.    He offers personalized…

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