Releasing Your Inner Attachments
HJ: Whether we are aware of them or not, nearly all of us operate with various levels of mental and etheric attachments. They can be to any number of things such as a…

Discovering Your Destiny in This Life
HJ: Exactly what is destiny? The concept of a life destiny has fascinated mankind since time immemorial. Are our lives totally scripted? Or do we indeed have free will? Depending on who you…

17 Profound Krishnamurti Quotes To Free Your Mind
HJ: Although not quite as well known as some of the more popular sages and spiritual guides of our time, Krishnamurti is one of the most profound philosophers and mystics to emerge on…

Eating Your Way to Health, Happiness and Wellbeing
HJ: I can tell you this with utmost certainty: there is no quicker way to health than the adoption of a diet of whole, organic, unrefined foods and there is no quicker way…

Understanding the Role of the Pineal Gland
HJ: Much has been written about the somewhat mysterious pineal gland and its role in consciousness. As the primary regulator of our sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythms, as well as its direct link…

New Disclosure Documentary: Sirius
HJ: This new documentary on disclosure and all things related to the continued cover up of the ongoing extra terrestrial presence throughout human history is sure to be an eye opener for many….

The True Origins of the Races of The People of Earth
HJ: As is typically the case with many of the things you have been taught in life by ‘society’ (for lack of a better word), you must begin the process of unlearning in…

How To Think With Your Heart
HJ: I had an incredible experience the other day about midway through a 3 hour figure drawing class. Without any warning, I suddenly felt as if I was about to begin crying uncontrollably….

Transcending the Ego
HJ: Learning to transcend the ego is one of the most important steps on the path to self realization. While the ego exists as a defense mechanism to protect us in our limited…

The Importance of Remembering to Celebrate
HJ: I was recently reminded to focus on how far I have come rather than how far I have left to go. This is something I needed to be reminded of, for it…