Emmanuel Dagher: December 2012 Energetic Forecast
By Emmanuel Dagher | MagnifiedManifesting.com — Blessings miraculous friend, Can you feel the global unity vortex building? We’ve officially passed through the doorway to higher consciousness and our collective paradigm is mirroring it…

What Dolphins Can Teach Us About Diet
What dolphins can teach us about high quality diets by Raw Michelle | Natural News — (NaturalNews) A new study carried out by scientists by the University of British Columbia and the University of La Rochelle,…

Cosmic Awareness: Ascension Advice for Those Living in North America
Callista: Thank you, Awareness. In light of what you have just told us of the situation in America, can you give any advice to those people who find themselves in that country at…

Powerpath December 2012 Forecast
By Lena Stevens | Powerpath — The theme for December is FORGIVENESS. Since this is also a transition month and a time of intense completion and change, I toyed with other themes but forgiveness…

Invisible Wi-Fi Signals Caught on Camera (Video)
Sandrine Ceurstemont, video producer | From New Scientist Computer icons can give you an idea of your Wi-Fi signal strength. But now Timo Arnall and a team of designers from the Oslo School of Architecture…

The Importance of Defining Your Passions in Life
Treasure Yourself Love your life, live your passion. By Miranda Kerr | Heal Your Life — Where to find your passionate path. ONE OF THE MOST VITAL things you can do to increase your confidence and…

Aisha North: We Have Entered the Vortex – The Event Horizon
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 232) — The tension is waxing and waning, as you all feel the pull from the vortex you have entered. In many ways, it is just…

Cosmic Awareness: December 2012 Nibiru Update
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — Cosmic Awareness, I have a question to do with the SOHO website, where you can download images of the Lasco C2 and Lasco C3…

Struggling With Meditation? Learn How to Overcome Your Blocks
WAITING FOR THE MUD TO SETTLE By Travis Rose | Bellesprit “Do you have the patience to wait until the mud settles and the water is clear?” Lao Tzu — In theory, meditation should be…

Benjamin Fulford: Many ‘Elite’ Mysteriously Falling Ill
Ben Fulford: Putin, George Bush Sr., Saudi King Abdullah and Venezuela’s Chavez all reported ill during same week; Big oil involved By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford — December 3, 2012 Last week there…