The New Wave of Superfoods: Ancient Medicines for Modern Times
Superfoods, Superherbs and Super Immunity By David Wolfe | Reality Sandwich — Join David Wolfe on December16 for the live, interactive video course, “Raw Food and the Real World: How to Start a Rawvolution Every Day.” …

Arkaim: Russia’s Ancient City and the Arctic Origin of Civilisation
By VICTORIA LEPAGE | New Dawn — Vast shadowy forces are moving in Central Asia – or rather in the greater region we call Eurasia – which may change the face of our…

Cobra Intel Update: The Omega Grid
The Omega Grid By Cobra | 2012 Portal — Tactical readiness of the Light forces on the surface of our planet to trigger the Event was reached on November 22nd at the opening…

Understanding Planetary Ascension
Update 2012 – Understanding Planetary Ascension Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor — Much has been written in recent times – especially through 2012 – about our planetary “Ascension”. What exactly does the term mean? What is…

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
S. Ali Myers, Guest Writer — What is the subconscious mind? What does the subconscious mind do? Your subconscious mind is your ultimate video, voice, and thought recorder. From this lifetime and before, your…

Selacia: DNA Encodements, Your Multidimensional Self and 2013
By Selacia | Selacia.com — Once in a while, there is a marker time point that people experience as the line between one thing and another. As 2013 begins you will be sitting at…

Herbal Contraceptives: Safe and Effective Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals
Herbal contraception – Discover a safe and effective alternative to synthetic hormones by Carolanne Wright | Natural News — (NaturalNews) Hormone-based contraception like the pill, patch or vaginal ring carry hefty health risks…

Aisha North: Internal Shifts are Kicking Into High Gear
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 233) — As you are all more than aware of, things have started to happen now, and although you will all search in vain for…

The Mayan Lord of Creation and 2012
By John Major Jenkins | New Dawn — Twentytwelvology. You won’t find it in Webster’s dictionary. Not yet. But believe me, before this decade is out, we’ll have that as well as plenty…