Earth Changes and the Retribalization of Ancient Soul Groups

By Peter Phalam | Celestial Vision

There has been much discussion concerning the connection between ongoing shifts in consciousness and Earth changes. This is what we know now. The Earth has an aura known as its magnetosphere. We know that it is in reverse polarity with the magnetic north pole at our south pole and the south pole is currently approaching the true north pole. We know that this energy field is going to reverse but we do not know how quickly it will do this. A similar circumstance occurred 26,000 years ago in Atlantis.

The Mayan Long Count ends December 21st 2012 at the winter solstice point. The Mayans understood what happened in Atlantis. At that time, the Earth went into an immediate cool down and eventual ice age. We know that scientists have predicted the Arctic to be a complete open water ocean in the not-too-distance future. Recent migrations of cooler water have altered weather patterns in many areas of Earth. Sweden is going through a major shift in its populations where warmer temperatures have created rain where snow once existed. This has created depression in older people. Cut-off lows are becoming more prevalent as floods abound.

The real concern seems to center on magma flows increasing. When this happens, tectonic plates are pressured. The already-fragile Pacific plate is experiencing deep off-shore tremors with regularity, and the Big Island’s volcanoes are elevating in activity. In Atlantis, the forced ice age was in part caused by a laser war between young Starseeds. Lasers were used to cleanse the atmosphere from pollution created by early manufacturing. The new laser energy is nuclear and could very well be the source of incredible acceleration of global warming.

Lastly, there are numerous indicators for the retribalization of ancient soul groups. Those of us from Lemuria who were treated as second class citizens in Atlantis migrated west over a system of islands to what is now Arkansas. Beneath Arkansas are thousands of quarries of Atlantean crystal beds that were created for the Lemurians to live in an open dimensional portal. Here we shared twelve active dimensions which included Starship presence and ancient entity involvement. Large migrations by elder soul groups will occur in coming years from Taos, New Mexico, to the Mississippi.The water shortages in the southwest and earthquake activity will also force heavy migration. The purpose of retribalizing soul groups has been an ongoing metaphysical ethic for fifty years but is more critical now.


–Excerpt from Celestial Reunion, A Channeled Tale by Peter Phalam

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