Cosmic Awareness: Ascension Advice for Those Living in North America

Callista: Thank you, Awareness. In light of what you have just told us of the situation in America, can you give any advice to those people who find themselves in that country at this time?

It would give the same advice that It has always given. Stay focused. Stay in control. Do not panic. Do not succumb to fear. Understand grand manipulations will occur. Certain events precipitated that will be of a devastating nature. That it is the plan and the goal of those in power to knock off stride any and all who have any understanding or realization about the times that are about to come into play. It has often been questioned, why is it that those in power would create such devastation, such situations, when the entire planet itself faces events of such great magnitude, that will have such great effect, without any manipulation by the Powers That Be? The reason for this is because the Powers That Be understand the nature of ascension, understand it very much involves individuals with a greater understanding and awareness. Being in the center of their circles, being grounded, being aware, being focused, not succumbing to fear or panic. That if there were not events that created fear and panic, that many who are seeking ascension would have no problem whatsoever with the greater events that are ready to unfold. It is the greater events, the arrival of the cosmic wave of God consciousness that is the true ascension into the light of the Divine. And that those who understand this and are prepared to face this wave of spiritual light and energy, that they will indeed do so easily, without situations that could indeed throw them. Thus, it is the plan of the Powers That Be to throw as many of these spiritual beings as possible. Those who are in power understand that there are millions of lightworkers holding the space and that through them, the ascension process is that which will be facilitated. That those in power who stem from the fourth dimension, who do not return back into the Divine loop, who do not return upon their deaths into the fifth-dimensional state where they would review their journeys, their lives, their actions, that these ones are anticipating that there is a possibility of preventing ascension by knocking out those who would hold space. Those who would facilitate the process of ascension of Mother Earth.

That there are seen by them from the fourth dimension, many timelines where they retain power and control. What they do not realize or understand is that they have been overridden. That while it is possible for those of the fourth dimension, in particular the Orions and reptilians, to manipulate mankind and even the future of mankind as they understand it, that they have done so through their ability to straddle time itself while in fourth-dimensional consciousness, and it is this ability or power that has always given them an edge in the third-dimensional reality of the planet. And thus it is, that they have lorded over humanity and put themselves in positions of power and control for many thousands of years.

But that this time, they have not gotten it entirely right. That there has been an intervention by the Divine forces of the God consciousness that has masked many of the timelines of the future. And they have pursued down the wrong alley, the false rabbit, if you will. This means that they have seen themselves as being successful in their efforts to knock out the ones who are here at this time to facilitate the ascension of Mother Earth. And in this, their belief is such that to do so, one needs to produce events of major catastrophe and cataclysm. For in the realities they have seen and perceived, it is by throwing all into such chaos that they cannot hold their space, they cannot remain centered. They cannot open to the Divine energy flowing through them that will accelerate them into new levels of conscious awareness where they will awaken to that higher level of consciousness that will see them fully participate in the ascension of Mother Earth. It is for this reason that the mad ones have continued in their folly, have always persisted in trying to knock the feet out from under those who would assist and facilitate the ascension process, the spiritual lightworkers, those who volunteered to be born on this planet at this time, for this purpose.

Thus, it is that those who are in power persist in their gains, in their plans, in their intentions to control the planet’s ascension process. Even deny this. But, this Awareness does state loud and clear that it will not be prevented. That this is a cosmic event, much beyond anything even those in power who have their base of strength in the fourth dimension, have ever understood or anticipated.

Thus, it is that it is crucial in the times of upheaval for those who are lightworkers, those who are spiritual seekers, those who are here to have the ascension experience and to assist Mother Earth in her ascension experience, maintain their calm. Maintain their faith and trust that the events unfolding are not simply of a physical nature, but rather, of a Divine nature. And that there will be continuance of consciousness, despite all. That many will transit through the Bardo levels of fourth dimensionality easily and safely, not being trapped in fourth dimensionality.

For it is seen that the uniqueness of this ascension experience, why it is of such interest to so many of the extraterrestrial beings who are here to observe the unfolding events, is because the planet and many who are ready will ascend not to fourth dimensionality, but to fifth dimensionality. This has never been accomplished, for ascension normally is that process of ascending to the next level, not bypassing it. Not jumping through and past it. But, at this time, it is seen and understood that the ascension experience in its fullest will be the ascension to the fifth-dimensional level of consciousness. Those who channel that it is a process of ascension to the fourth are at the effect of the many who are in charge, who have learned how to even manipulate the psychic abilities and powers of many of the channelers of this time. And thus it is that it is imperative also to question those channelings where it is suggested that ascension will only occur to the level of the fourth dimension and not beyond to the fifth.

That this is also part of the importance of these times, to question all sources. Many are the times that this Awareness has spoken: question all, even this Awareness, even this source. Equally, one must question themselves if they are true to their own being. And if they are content with what they find, even if it is that they will only advance to the fourth dimension, then it is that which they will experience. But the potential is for an ascension to fifth dimensionality, nothing less, unless one believes that less is their way, their journey, their path.

That this Awareness endorses again that philosophy, that way of understanding, that says that this is indeed a crucial time to stay in one’s centeredness, in focus, in contact with the inner self, with the High Self especially, and to maintain that belief and that understanding that the event that is now unfolding is beyond a simple physical event or series of events, but of a deep and powerful cosmic nature. Indeed, it is the light of God consciousness that will sweep through and elevate the many who are ready, but in particular, Mother Earth, to the new levels of consciousness that this Awareness has so often spoken of.

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. Ok Awareness I will take your advice and question this source. How do i know you are who you say you are? Many human inferences in your thoughts and criticisms say you are just Will B.

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