Benjamin Fulford: Why the West Lost to China and What it Can Do

By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford

A few years ago the conventional wisdom in the West was that maybe China might surpass the United States (a sub-section of the West) in 50 years. Now, any serious thinker understands that China is top dog and the West is in deep crisis. The Western nations have lost their moral, financial and political leadership of the world.

This week we will look at why the leaders of the Western world nearly destroyed their own civilization. Then we will then try to figure out what to do to restore Western vitality.

The causes for the Western decline were years in the making. The results manifested themselves over a very short period. Our ancestors would have recognized the situation had its ultimate origins in moral failure on the part of our leaders. Here are the seven deadly sins of the West:


: The pride that kills

Westerners as a whole are perceived by other peoples as arrogant, and rightly so. My own initial reaction to living in Japan was typical. Anything that Japan did that was different from how it was done in the West was wrong. I was constantly preaching to my Japanese friends (many soon to be ex-friends) and telling them what to do until it slowly dawned on me that I had more to learn that I had to teach.

The Western (especially US) leadership has been doing the same: telling and forcing countries to adopt two-party Democracy and the “Washington (read Wall St.) consensus” on economic management. What they failed to realize is that ever since military defeat in colonial times other countries and cultures have been diligently studying the West and drawing their own conclusions.

The West, meanwhile, never thought that perhaps they should be studying other civilizations for clues on how to improve their own. The result is that other countries, especially in Asia, have combined the best of the Western with the best of their traditional culture to create a vital new hybrid, leaving the West to catch up.

Sloth: the laziness that saps strength

At some hard to define point over the past few decades use of phrases like “protestant work ethic,” to describe hard working Westerners has been replaced with phrases like “couch potatoes.”

Westerners somehow thought they could let other countries do all the real work while they sat back and gave orders. The following joke sums up the situation fairly well:
“How many Anglo-Saxons does it take to change a light bulb?”
Answer: “Two, one to mix the martinis and another to look up an electrician in the phone book.”

This laziness resulted in over 30-years of merchandise trade deficits in most Western countries and the bankruptcy it has now led to.

Greed: the love of money over life

Perhaps the greatest sin among Western leaders. Enough has been written about the sins of greedy bankers that I do not need to say much. However, what many do not realize is that the love of money has literally made most Americans slaves to an artificial intelligence. Fantastical as it may seem, most of the profits generated by Wall Street are generated by artificial intelligences known as trading programs that have greed as their prime directive.

They rule Wall Street. Wall Street in turn is ruled by a single concept: seek money. The fountain of money, the Federal Reserve Board, functions like a single non-human mind run by massive computer networks. Most politicians and top military leaders in the US receive bribes and take orders from Wall Street and so in effect, they pillage the planet on behalf of an artificial intelligence motivated by greed.

Perhaps the best example of a black hole of greed sucking life and vitality out of the United States is Walmart. In order to maximize the “profits” or money for Walmart, the middle-class in the US and its industrial infrastructure have been decimated. The six members of the Walton family now have more money than the poorest 100 million Americans.

Read the rest of the article here: Before It’s News

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Benjamin Fulford always has moronic points of view. Always based on his point of view – not based on facts but bias – which is anti US and in spiritual matters displays low vibration and no enlightened point of view. Which you did not publish him. Stands out like a sore thumb compared to the usually excellent work by others.

    • Larry,

      I agree that there are many reasons why one must use discernment with Benjamin’s posts, however, I post them because he offers one of the few glimpses into the inner workings of the cabal and I believe that despite their shortcomings, they do provide some benefit and are interesting nonetheless. I respect and appreciate your opinion and hope that the other content of value on this site far outweighs Ben’s posts.

      Be Well,


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