Aisha North: Distinguishing Between Reality and Disinformation
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 208) — Time is speeding up, and much is starting to fall by the wayside because of this. To many of you, this is mayhaps…

DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment
DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment By Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer — It has been over a century since DNA was discovered and yet scientists still have not understood the true…

What Near Death Experiences Tell Us About Our Consciousness
Opening the Conversation About NDE: Dr. Eben Alexander & the Question of Consciousness By David Metcalfe | Reality Sandwich — The following originally appeared on The Eyeless Owl. There is a slow shift in our cultural…

The Most Significant Event Ever to Occur in Our Space-Time Continuum
Jeshua ben Joseph: The Most Significant Event Ever to Occur in Your Space-Time Continuum Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog — The excitement mounts as the moment for your awakening…

DL Zeta: Awakening ‘Dreamwalkers’ Illuminate a Future Based in Love and Compassion
Awakening ‘Dreamwalkers’ Illuminate a Future Based in Love and Compassion By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we move further into the new time, many souls incarnated into this timeframe are receiving…

Sandra Walter: The Significance and Effects of the 10-10-12 Portal
Saturnian Energetics, Photonic rumbles and October tumbles By Sandra Walter | SandraWalter.com — Welcome to the 10-10 portal, another leap up the invisible ascension staircase. Those of you who are sensitive and/or empathic…

How to Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Pineal Gland: Two Simple Practices
By Lapis Links | Conscious Life News — Note: Original article edited for formatting and clarity AWAKENING I Please read all of the following. If you wish to perform this exercise, you need to understand what you…

How to Increase Abundance and Manifestation Using Powerful ‘Switchwords’
Speak Successfully With Switchwords By Kim Caldwell | In5d.com — “Remind yourself that loving words and loving thoughts seem to be supercharged with power to produce good.” —Catherine Ponder How would you like to have…

Cosmic Awareness: The Montauk Project, Timelines, and ‘Original Sin’
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | CosmicAwareness.org — QUESTIONER: You’re welcome, thank you so much. We are still on the Montauk. There are a series of questions, again from LK. He writes, “I’m going…

James Gilliland: Major Incoming Energies on Friday October 12th, 2012
By James Gilliland | ECETI — Major Shift for Friday Oct 12th Many are feeling waves of consciousness and energy often coming in between 3 and 5 in the morning. This is a…