Benjamin Fulford: The Oligarchs Only Manage to Dig Themselves Deeper Into the Mud
Ben Fulford: The Oligarchs Of the West keep churning their wheels but only manage to get deeper into the mud, October 15, 2012 By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford — Last week 20,000 bureaucrats,…

Hilarion: Maintaining Your Highest Light During These Times is of Prime Importance
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana | The Rainbow Scribe — Beloved Ones, Many of you are in the process of the further simplifying of your lives in all of its facets. As more Light…

Aisha North: The Downloads Are Coming in Increments
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 209) — As of today, many will feel the need to stand a little bit taller in the role as carriers of the light, because…

The Mysterious and Enigmatic Great Cross of Hendaye
Great Cross of Hendaye From Esoterism.ro — Space is a dangerous place. Witness the number of crater hits on the many hard-surfaced planets in our solar system. Through telescopes, NASA cameras, or even…

The Consciousness of Animals
Conscious Animals By David Wilder | Reality Sandwich — Increasingly, animal consciousness is being recognized by the scientific community, which could encourage the protection of animals on a global scale. The most recent evidence of…

Choosing and Using Crystals For Energetic Healing
Improving health and well-being with crystals by Alex Malinsky aka RawGuru | Natural News — (NaturalNews) “Good vibrations” is a phrase that has long pervaded popular culture, but do you know what this…

NASA Researcher Finds Hidden Portals in Earth’s Magnetosphere
By Susanne Posel | MyScienceAcademy — Jack Scudder and his team of researchers at the University of Iowa have found “X-points” in the Earth’s magnetosphere; a magnetic field naturally generated by the Earth. The magnetosphere is…

The Visionary World of Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Shamanism In The Amazon
The Visionary World Of Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Shamanism In The Amazon Howard G. Charing, Guest Writer — Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon “We are not talking about passive agents of…

Man Proves it is Possible to Live on Only Sunlight and Water
Doctors confirm Indian man Lives on Sunlight and Water From Disclose.tv — It has been widely reported that studies have confirmed a 62 year Indian man while being observed in a hospital 24 hours…

How to Take Your Dreaming to the Next Level
Dreamscape Awakening By Osirian Dawn | Reality Sandwich — We sleep for one third of our lives, and as such, we should make the most out of the mind’s nightly journey into our personal dreamscapes….