Aisha North: You Are Quickly Approaching the End of this Cycle
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 212) — The seasons are changing, and so too, the energies. As the year is making its turn and you are all starting to approach…

Cosmic Awareness: What the Mainstream Media is Keeping Hidden From You
October 17 in Canada, October 18, 2012 in Australia Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof | Cosmic Awareness — The Law of Love is that Law which places the welfare and the concern and the…

Jeshua ben Joseph: Life For All On Earth is About to Change Dramatically
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog — Humanity is on the verge of an amazing development of enormous significance in your spiritual evolution. Your entire Earth history has been…

Chopra: Are You Living Your True Purpose?
Here are 4 ways to find out. Discover the unique talent you were born to express. by DEEPAK CHOPRA, M.D. | Heal Your Life — IN MANY EASTERN PHILOSOPHIES, dharma refers to the fundamental laws that…

Restoring Pineal Gland and Endocrine System Function with Sungazing
Endocrine Secretions During Sungazing By Wayne Purdin | Isisaz — In the last issue of The Sun Gazette, the article “Imbibe Sunshine for a Natural High” examined how sungazing and sunbathing cause the…

Geoff Stray: Beyond 2012 – Catastrophe or Ecstasy
by Geoff Stray | Timewave 2013 — In 1975, Dannion Brinkley was speaking on the telephone during a thunderstorm. A lightning bolt hit the phone line, sending thousands of volts of electricity through…

The Incredible Healing Power of Holotropic Breathwork
Holotropic Breathwork: New Perspectives in Psychotherapy and Self-Exploration By Stanislav Grof | Reality Sandwich — The Universal Heart. The little individual heart finding its way back to the big Universal Heart, from a Holotropic Breathwork…

Aisha North: Requesting the Help of Your Guides and Angels
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 211) — We would like to take this opportunity to speak to those amongst you who are really struggling hard now. You will feel that…