Jeshua Ben Joseph: Never Doubt That You are Doing Invaluable Work
Jeshua Ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog — Our honor and respect for you grows as you continue, despite the travails of the illusion, to hold your Light on high….

Learning to Live with Your Karma
Christina Sarich — “Doctrines of reincarnation are neither absurd nor useless. It is not more surprising to be born twice than once.” Voltaire “The reservoir of Karmas (as in artificial lake, or one that…

Maya White: October – The Season of Change
By Maya White | Maya White Astrology — Whats Going On October 2012 – Release and Change October brings us to the season of harvest and balance. Also, in this time of the…

Scientists Say Earth is Undergoing True Polar Wander
By Deborah Byrd | EarthSky.org — Scientists developed a computer model to identify four possible instances of true polar wander in the past. And, they say, true polar wander is happening now. Scientists based…

James Gilliland: Solar Storms and Their Effects on Human Consciousness
By James Gilliland | www.eceti.org — Solar Storms and Pleiadians Here we go again with a major CME, Solar Flare or filament sending out a massive solar storm heading towards Earth. As the Pleiadians…

The Hathors: The Aethos and Non-Dual States of Consciousness
The Aethos and Non-Dual States of Consciousness The Hathors via Tom Kenyon | www.tomkenyon.com October 2012 — In this message we wish to discuss some of the significant relationships between manifest reality and non-dual…

The Forgotten Underworld of Japan: Underwater Structures Found
The Forgotten Underworld of Japan By Patrick Chouinard | Reality Sandwich — The following is excerpted from Forgotten Worlds: From Atlantis to the X-Woman of Siberia and the Hobbits of Flores, published by Inner Traditions, Bear &…

Benjamin Fulford: United States of America Corporation Looting Individual Bank Accounts to Postpone Bankruptcy
Ben Fulford: United States of America Corporation looting individual bank accounts to postpone bankruptcy By Benjamin Fulford | BenjaminFulford.net October 1, 2012 — The United States of America Corporation, a subsidiary of the…

Iranian Currency in Rapid Free Fall – The Rial is in Hyper Inflationary Death Spiral
As Iran Rial Implodes By 20% In One Day, Follow The Death Of A Currency In Real Time By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge — Iranian clerics’ attempts to curb speculation in the Rial and…

Aisha North: Society Has Programmed You to Expect Cataclysm
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 203) — We would like to take this opportunity to once again delve a bit further into the same topic as last time, namely the…