Aisha North: The Apprentice’s Manual – Lesson 2
By Aisha North | The Apprentice’s Manual (Lesson 2) — This morning I had another visit from The teacher. This time, he showed me a bookcase, and asked me to think about how I…

Cosmic Awareness: The Three Paths to Enlightenment
More on the Path of Alchemy, the Path of Service, and the Path of Suffering Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Yes and I thank you for that additional…

Could This Be Atlantis? Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes Found in Waters Off Cuba
By Terrence Aym | Before It’s News — Perhaps eclipsing the discoveries of Troy and King Tut’s tomb is the discovery of Atlantis. Now, two daring scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, claim they’ve found…

The 6 Corporations That Control Nearly Everything We Watch, Read and Hear
From WorldTruth.tv — Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six…

The Unbelievable Race to Make Quantum Teleportation a Reality
The Race to Bring Quantum Teleportation to Your World By Adam Mann | Wired Science — There is an international quantum teleportation space race heating up. Around the world, countries are investing time and millions…

Cosmic Awareness: Nibiru is Approaching and its Effects Are Being Felt
Will Berlinghof, Interpreter Joan Mills, Energizer September 29, 2012 CA: That which is CA is available at this time, but would ask for the Energizer, Joan, to indeed present the Law of Love…

The Conscious, Healing Nature of Plants and Plant Medicines
The Nature of Plants and Plant Medicines By Wolf D. Storl | Reality Sandwich — The following is excerpted from The Herbal Lore of Wise Women and Wortcutters: The Healing Power of Medicinal Plants,available from North…

Breath is the Link Between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind
The Benefits of Breathwork By Alex Tan | Straight Bamboo TCM Clinic — To breathe is to live. We can survive for weeks without food, for days without water, but only minutes without…

Aisha North: The Great Cycle is Coming to an End
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 204) — As the time passes and the gears shift, you will all feel the increase in activity now that the end of the cycle…

Emmanuel Dagher: Monthly Energy Forecast – October 2012
“It’s Like Giving Birth!” Monthly Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher | Magnified Manifesting | October 2012 — Blessings my friend, What a roller coaster ride the energies have taken us on this past…