Hilarion: You Are Now Connecting With Your True Power
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana | The Rainbow Scribe — Beloved Ones, The lessons you have been experiencing in the days past now come into alignment with the higher aspects of your Divine essence….

Powerful Qigong Meditation for Enhanced Vitality and Consciousness
Qigong Meditation By David James Lees, Guest Writer — Pronounced ‘Chee Gong’, Chinese is difficult to translate directly into English so Qi roughly translated means air, breath of life or vital essence. I prefer…

Expanding Conscious Awareness Through Developing Masterful Intuition
Plugging Into Your Intuition Helps Expand Consciousness By Mitali Parekh — Intuition is the signal your unconscious mind sends you, telling you to do something or not. Hone it, say help experts to expand…

Eight Ingredients You Never Want to See on Your Nutrition Label
By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding | Mens Health — The year was 1950, and The Magic 8-Ball had just arrived in stores. It looked like a toy, but it wasn’t. It was a future-telling…

October Energy Read: Evaluate – Adjust – Create
Power Path: October is Evaluate – Adjust – Create By Lena | Ascension For All — The theme for October is EVALUATE-ADJUST-CREATE. This month is much more intellectually oriented where much comes up for review and…

DL Zeta: Serving as the Higher Self for Our ‘Selves’ in this Lifetime
By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we align ourselves with our higher self we’re able to embrace all that comes before us by shining the light of our love and understanding…

The Law of Attraction is Only One of Many Steps to Full Manifestation
Living Beyond The Law of Attraction By Sherri Carter — When I heard about The Law of Attraction, it seemed to be a powerful message. Authors, teachers and spiritual leaders who heavily focused…

What Are They Hiding? 24 Places Google Maps Doesn’t Want You to See
24 Places Google Doesn’t Want You To See From TruTv.com — Baker Lake, NU, the Inuit nation in northern Canada A man indentified as “Dr. Boylan” believes that the blacked out area seen…

Psychedelic Drug Shown to Rebuild Neurons and Instantly Relieve Depression
By John Hamilton | NPR — Scientists say they have figured out how an experimental drug called ketamine is able to relieve major depression in hours instead of weeks. Researchers from Yale and the National…

New World Bank President Claims It Is Time to Eradicate Poverty
World Bank president says he will bring sense of urgency to efforts to end global poverty in exclusive Guardian interview By Sarah Boseley | Guardian.co.uk — The new president of the World Bank is determined to eradicate…