Is Intermittent Fasting the Key to Longevity?
Intermittent fasting may hold the key to longevity by Linn Cole | Natural News (NaturalNews) In a culture that feasts 21 times a week, fasting is almost a heretical idea. Yet amidst escalating…

How to Remove Energy Implants
By Chris Bourne — The healing of humanity Increasingly people within awakening circles are becoming aware of and speaking out about “energetic implants” in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something…

Cosmic Awareness: Releasing Karma and the Eternal Now
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | CosmicAwareness.org — THE ETERNAL NOW QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent, and very informative. Thank you. His next question is, “Awareness and others often state that time…

Benjamin Fulford: Are Syria, Jordan and Israel about to Revert to Turkish Control?
Ben Fulford: Are Syria, Jordan and Israel about to revert to Turkish control?, October 8, 2012 By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford — The passing by the Turkish parliament last week of a law…

Bitter Herbs For Improved Health and Liver Function
Four bitter herbs heal the liver, gall bladder, and other ailments by Brad Chase | Natural News — (NaturalNews) Certain bitter herbs are considered liver herbs because they stimulate, cleanse, and protect the liver…

Aisha North: You Were Never Alone in the Universe
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 205) — Mankind as a species have for too been long been harbouring the thought that they are unable to do anything but follow in…

Cosmic Awareness: The Imagination and its Powerful Role in Manifestation
IMAGINATION AND MANIFESTATION Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | CosmicAwareness.org — QUESTIONER: Yes it did and I thank you for that. He will be pleased. There is one other one concerning the imagination…

Astronomers Aim to Identify ‘Extraterrestrial Power Plants’
The Best Way to Find Aliens: Look for Their Solar Power Plants By Ross Anderson | The Atlantic — A team of astronomers is now looking for Dyson Spheres, massive star-scale solar power…

Scientific Proof of a Potential Alternative Energy Source Dates Back 25,000 Years
From Activist Post — Radiocarbon dating that proves the Bosnian Pyramid Complex dates back at least 25,000 years has been revealed by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Sam Osmanagich. Discovered in 2005, the Bosnian…

12 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
12 Signs of Spiritual Awakening By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias | Maya 2012 — 1. Spiritual awakening often manifests as various body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result…