June 2012
night time sky comet

Cobra Intel: Pleiadians, Resistance Movement and the Event

By Cobra 2012portal.blogspot.com You might want to listen to the latest Drake’s interview, especially from 35 to 42 minute mark: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/global-voice-radio-network/2012/06/17/drake-vital-updates–june-16-2012 And also watch this video about the terms of surrender for the…

benjamin fulford

Benjamin Fulford: The Battle Has Been Against an Artificial Intelligence and Its Human Slaves

By Benjamin Fulford Jhaines6.wordpress.com (Original article appears at benjaminfulford.net) As the old cliché goes, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Empirical evidence proves the current financial crisis has been caused by an artificial…

earth from space

Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 – Part 2/2

2012 JUNE 18 By Stephen Cook The 2012 Scenario The transcript of  Stephen Cook’s interview with Cobra has arrived, thanks to Ellen. I’ve posted it in two parts. The actual interview itself can…

natures abundance

Dr. Joshua David Stone: Poverty Consciousness in the Name of Spirituality

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University I would imagine that the title of this chapter would be Spiritually intriguing to many of my readers, for I think a great many of…


Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 152

By Aisha North Aisha North As of today, many will feel the opening of a whole new space inside of them, a space filled with tranquility even if the outside is anything but….

Pumpkin Seeds: An Everyday Superfood

Nutrition and You Pumpkin seeds nutrition facts Pumpkin seeds are edible kernels of pumpkin fruit. The seeds, in-fact, are concentrated source of numerous health benefiting minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Pumpkin fruit, native to Mexico, is…

planet earth space

Cobra Intel: World Liberation Movement Update (Meditation Today, June 17th, 2012)

Friday, June 15, 2012 By Cobra 2012 Portal WORLD LIBERATION MOVEMENT (Weekly Liberation Meditations) After the great success of World Liberation Day and even greater success of Reboot of the Grid and Return…

athens acropolis greece

First Greek Exit Poll Shows Dead Heat Between Syriza And New Democracy

By Tyler Durden on 06/17/2012 12:03 -0400 Zero Hedge The long-anticipated first Greek exit poll is out. The results, per Greek Mega TV, are as follows: New Democracy 27.5-30.5, SYRIZA 27-30, PASOK 10-12, Ind Gr…

The Great Wave Off Kanagawa

Aisha North: The Invisible Tsunami

By Aisha North Aisha North Some mornings, I wake up fully expecting the world to have changed completely, especially after a night of intense energies. But then I turn on the news, and…

kashmir bliss

Saul: Relax Regularly into a Quiet and Peaceful State

Posted on June 17, 2012  Saul via John Smallman John Smallman If you choose to pay careful attention to your intuition, your inner knowing or guidance, you can access much information and knowledge that…

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