June 2012
ship sky awesome

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 148

By Aisha North http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-148/ The time is approaching for yet another round of intense energy bombarding your little planet. As always, you will feel the onslaught from all of these highly charged particles…

whisps of light

High Council of Orion: A Guide for all in Transition at this Moment

High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan www.crystalline-sanctuary.com Greetings dear ones we come to guide and support as many changes are now placed within the reality that you know as the planet earth….

the light in the storm

Why Some Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos Experience Negative Attacks and Others Don’t

By Denise Le Fay http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/ “Dear Denise, I’m writing because I am concerned that there may be some of us, and I am one, who believes that I am protected from the Dark,…

Morgan Stanley Bonds Trade at Junk Pricing, Downgrades From Mish: Coming

By Mike “Mish” Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Morgan Stanley’s corporate borrowing costs are already way higher than Goldman Sachs and more downgrades are likely in the works. The Fiscal Times explains How Morgan Stanley sank to…

Hosni Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison for Protest Murders

Posted on June 2, 2012  http://bit.ly/JH0k0z Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak gets life behind bars for murders committed during the country’s historic revolution in February 2011. In a final verdict hearing in a Cairo…


High Council of Orion: Energies and Chaos are Increasing Across Planet Earth

High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan May 30, 2012 www.crystalline-sanctuary.com Welcome dear ones, we come to guide and support at a time when the energies across planet earth now begin to increase….

Eurozone is ‘Unsustainable’ Warns Mario Draghi

The head of the European Central Bank hit out at the political paralysis gripping the region as he warned the eurozone’s set-up was “unsustainable”. By Louise Armitstead, Chief business correspondent 8:26PM BST 31 May 2012…

pinnacle of fractal light

Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Love Known as Support

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Sweltishoff www.therainbowscribe.com May 31, 2012 Beloved Ones, We wish to have discourse on the quality of Love known as support. This quality is one that is an enabling, encouraging…

hemp seed

Hemp Seed Oil: The New Healthy Oil

by John McKiernan http://bit.ly/M5ztdw (NaturalNews) Hemp seed oil, pressed from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant, has been named nature’s perfect food due to its balanced concentrations of omega fatty acids. Hemp used to…

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