Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy: We Are Approaching the Lockdown Stage for the Removal of the Dark Cabal
Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn060512.htm 9 Ahau, 13 Pax, 8 Manik Selamat Balik! We return! A great deal is happening! What now remains to be done is some internal…

Transit of Venus – Incredible Images
http://bit.ly/Ki7LIm Here’s some spectacular images of yesterday’s intense Transit of Venus. Don’t know about you, but I had an incredible prayer and meditation session. Hope yours was just as beautiful – like these…

JPMorgan Goes On Internet Stock Downgrade Rampage As International Conditions Deteriorate
Joe Weisenthal Source: Business Insider Jun. 6, 2012, 7:37 AM In tech stock land today, this is going to be the buzz. JPM’s Doug Anmuth takes out the hatchet on big tech. Here’s a…

Ben Fulford: Cabal Begins Peace Negotiations, Detailed Discussions Begin – June 4, 2012
By Benjamin Fulford http://benjaminfulford.net/2012/06/05/cabal-begins-peace-negotiations-detailed-discussions-begin The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate…

Spain Caves, Admits It Needs European Bailout
by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2012 07:32 -0400 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/spain-caves-admits-it-needs-european-bailout And so those lining up at the bailout trough are now 4: remember all those lies Spain spoon-fed the gullible press that it didn’t need a European bailout as…

Five Million Brazilian Farmers Sue Monsanto
http://bit.ly/Kq8yLQ Five million Brazilian farmers are locked in a lawsuit with US-based biotech giant Monsanto, suing for as much as 6.2 billion euros. They say that the genetic-engineering company has been collecting royalties…

Venus Transit: A Trinity of Energy; the Divine Union of the Sun, Venus, Gaia and All Upon Her
June 5, 2012 www.Estaryia.com By Estaryia Venus Some of the 6-hour windows of the Venus Transit June 5th: 11:09am – 5:50pm Hawaii Time 2:09pm – 8:09pm PST 5:09pm – 11:09pm EST The Venus Transit,…