June 2012
sananda spiritual hierarchy

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy: We Are Approaching the Lockdown Stage for the Removal of the Dark Cabal

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn060512.htm 9 Ahau, 13 Pax, 8 Manik Selamat Balik! We return! A great deal is happening! What now remains to be done is some internal…

Transit of Venus – Incredible Images

http://bit.ly/Ki7LIm Here’s some spectacular images of yesterday’s intense Transit of Venus. Don’t know about you, but I had an incredible prayer and meditation session. Hope yours was just as beautiful – like these…

JPMorgan Goes On Internet Stock Downgrade Rampage As International Conditions Deteriorate

Joe Weisenthal Source: Business Insider Jun. 6, 2012, 7:37 AM In tech stock land today, this is going to be the buzz. JPM’s Doug Anmuth takes out the hatchet on big tech. Here’s a…


Chlorella 101: What You Need to Know About This Nourishing Superfood

by Willow Tohi http://www.naturalnews.com/036086_chlorella_superfood_algae.html (NaturalNews) A single-celled, water-grown micro-algae, chlorella is widely known as a powerful “superfood” supplement with extraordinary nutrient density. It is believed to have been around for eons. One of…

painted sunset

Saul: Many of You Have Been Experiencing Stirred-Up Issues for the Last Couple of Weeks

Saul via John Smallman http://bit.ly/Ki5w80 The enormously powerful energies presently enveloping and surrounding Planet Earth are stirring up vast quantities of issues that have lain dormant within the human psyche for eons and…

volcano green light

June’s Transformation Gateway Reignites the Fires of Ancient Evenings

By DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/ We’re passing through a gateway now that will carry us further into the dawning of a new time in human consciousness. This new time begins with the recalibration of…

benjamin fulford

Ben Fulford: Cabal Begins Peace Negotiations, Detailed Discussions Begin – June 4, 2012

By Benjamin Fulford  http://benjaminfulford.net/2012/06/05/cabal-begins-peace-negotiations-detailed-discussions-begin  The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate…

Spain Caves, Admits It Needs European Bailout

by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2012 07:32 -0400 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/spain-caves-admits-it-needs-european-bailout And so those lining up at the bailout trough are now 4: remember all those lies Spain spoon-fed the gullible press that it didn’t need a European bailout as…

gmo monsanto agribusiness

Five Million Brazilian Farmers Sue Monsanto

http://bit.ly/Kq8yLQ Five million Brazilian farmers are locked in a lawsuit with US-based biotech giant Monsanto, suing for as much as 6.2 billion euros. They say that the genetic-engineering company has been collecting royalties…

Venus Transit: A Trinity of Energy; the Divine Union of the Sun, Venus, Gaia and All Upon Her

June 5, 2012 www.Estaryia.com By Estaryia Venus Some of the 6-hour windows of the Venus Transit June 5th: 11:09am – 5:50pm Hawaii Time 2:09pm – 8:09pm PST 5:09pm – 11:09pm EST The Venus Transit,…

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