January 2012
the fed bank

The Shadow Banking System: A Web of Financial Fraud

Ellen Brown, Common Dreams, 01-27-2012 http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/01/27-3 The Wall Street Journal reported on January 19th that the Obama Administration was pushing heavily to get the 50 state attorneys general to agree to a settlement with five major…

blue lotus

You are a Conscious Manifesting Machine

Jafree Ozwald, January 27, 2012 http://shiftfrequency.com/enlightened-beings-you-are-a-conscious-manifesting-machine/ “If you can realize who you are, it means you know where you are coming from and where you are going.” ~St. Theresa of Avila In every moment…

stormy clouds

Deep Winter Rejuvenation Strategies

Deep winter rejuvenation strategies http://www.naturalnews.com/034784_winter_rejuventation_oriental_medicine.html by Angelo Druda (NaturalNews) The organs of the human body feed primarily on light and all the forms of qi that are available in nature. Early doctors of…

Fried Foods Not a Heart Health Risk if You Use the Right Oils, Researchers Say

by Tara Green http://www.naturalnews.com/034785_fried_foods_heart_health_olive_oil.html (NaturalNews) A common dietary fallacy among many people, resulting from misinformation in media outlets, is fear of fats. If you still harbor lingering anxieties about consuming any type of…

SaLuSa: Matters are Heading for a Resounding Victory for the Light

SaLuSa: Matters are Heading for a Resounding Victory for the Light SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey, January 27, 2012 http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/January2012/salusa__27january2012.htm If as you say, you keep your ear to the ground, you will realize that…

Pentagon Leaders: New Plan Would Cut U.S. Ground Forces By 100,000

Huff Post, Jan. 27, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/26/defense-cuts_n_1234562.html# WASHINGTON — The Pentagon outlined a plan Thursday for slowing the growth of military spending, including cutting the size of the Army and Marine Corps, retiring older…

blue igloo lights

Aisha North: Manuscript of Survival Part 79 – A Peak Behind the Veils

 27 January 2012 | Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North Our mission today is to give you further insight into your very near future, in other words, give you a sneak preview behind the veils…

Oklahoma Lawmaker Wants to Stop Pepsi From Using Aborted Fetus Cells in Soda Flavoring Research

http://www.naturalnews.com/034777_Pepsi_aborted_fetus_cells_soda_flavoring.html by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) In order to simulate various flavors in processed foods, some food manufacturers are actually using aborted fetal cells to test and produce these artificial chemical…

lenticular cloud mt shasta

Odd Accounts and Strange Tales Orbit Around Shasta

Odd Accounts and Strange Tales Orbit around Shasta Mt. Shasta, the Cascade peak that mesmerized John Muir, has long attracted mystics, metaphysicians and spiritualists. Now a researcher is seeking ‘stories and information’ for…

Tim Geithner: Obama will not select me to run Treasury again

Guardian, Jan. 25, 2012 http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jan/25/tim-geithner-obama-treasury?newsfeed=true US Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner expects president Barack Obama will not ask him to stay if he’s re-elected. “He’s not going to ask me to stay on, I’m pretty confident,” Geithner said…

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