"wisdom" tag

How to Upgrade Your Intuition to the Next Level of Awareness and Sensitivity

HJ: Life is fundamentally an exercise in growth and development along all lines — mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.  As such, while everyone has intuitive abilities, we are all at different levels of…


The Wisdom in Struggle: Why We Have Painful Emotions (and How to Get Past Them Quickly)

HJ:  There is nothing you experience in life that does not have a lesson to teach you. Your greatest pain is just as big a gift as your joy and happiness. Your joy…


How to Transform Your Pain into Strength and Wisdom

HJ: The greater the pain that you overcome, the greater the strength and wisdom that you develop as a result.  Challenges and struggle catalyze our greatest growth.  They put life in perspective and give…

Maya Angelou

14 Powerful Pieces of Life Wisdom From the Great Maya Angelou That Will Inspire and Uplift You

HJ: Maya Angelou is a perfect example of someone who unabashedly followed her passions and lived a massively transformational life by doing so, touching billions with her words, thoughts, ideas and wisdom.  The…


Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: May 2014 Horoscope

HJ: 2014 continues to be a year of radical transformation both internally and externally.  The period of time we now find ourselves in is one of exponential growth, not the trudging, linear growth of…


Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: April 2014 Horoscope

HJ: 2014 has been a year of extremes, and as Spring dawns, this trend will likely continue.  In every sense, humanity’s consciousness is shifting and the planet as a whole is being affected……


28 Ways to Bring Greater Harmony, Wisdom and Love Into Your Relationships

HJ: Harmony in relationships, like harmony in any area of our life, is all about balance.  We may be either overly intellectual or overly emotional and therefore struggle with being too distant or…


The IQ of Your Soul: How to Determine Your Wisdom Quotient (WQ)

HJ: In our society, we typically place a great deal of importance on someones intelligence, but we often lack in the area of wisdom.  Intelligence has brought us some incredible marvels of technology…


Life Changing Wise Quotes from the Wisest People in History

HJ: Wise quotes have the potential to transform how we see ourselves and the world around us, thereby inducing life changing experiences in the span of an instant.  There is something incredibly Zen about…


Inspirational Words of Wisdom on Happiness and Purpose From the Greatest Minds in History

HJ: From our perspective, it seems as though the greatest minds in history were not solely the result of some innate talent, special genes or even gifts of intelligence.  Looking at it from…

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