"wellbeing" tag

It’s Just Not Worth It: The True Toll of Antibiotics on Your Health

HJ: Despite what you are told by doctors, there is no reason to EVER take antibiotics.  And furthermore, they are one of the most powerful health destroying substances you could possibly put into…


How to Use Your Mind to Create Health and Well-Being (Part 1)

HJ: The power of the mind cannot be overstated.  Our thoughts and beliefs dictate our health to a far lager degree than we realize, however, we live in a society that constantly reinforces the…


What’s Keeping You From Healing? Why Some People Heal and Others Don’t

 HJ: There is one key thing to remember here and it is a fundamental principle for why anything does or does not work for someone: belief is the foundation for all of our…


The 12 Habits of Happy People: What They Do Differently

HJ: Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”  Now, how does this relate to happiness?  If you are…


How Letting Your Hair Grow Long Can Stimulate Your Spirituality and Health

HJ: There are so many aspects of our existence that we take for granted that have significant effects and implications in our lives.  Most never become aware of their breath and breathing patterns…


The Dietary Roots of Common Physical, Mental, and Emotional Imbalances

HJ: As Hippocrates famously said, ‘Let food be they medicine.”  While ancient medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine have long understood that food influences not just on the physical level, but…

The Critical Mineral for Immune and Sexual Health That Nearly Everyone is Deficient In

HJ: Most people simply assume that they get sufficient nutrition from diet alone, however, this is very rarely the case.  It has been my personal experience based on years of research and testing…

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