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Occupy 2.0: The Great Turning

Building a movement to build a new reality By Michael Nagler April 5, 2012 http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/occupy-2.0-the-great-turning The spinning wheel, and the spinning wheel alone, will solve the problem of  the deepening poverty of India….

Occupy Wall Street Protests ALEC In What Activists Call Largest Coordinated Occupy Event This Year

By Saki Knafo 03/01/2012 Huffington Post  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ In cities around the country today, hundreds of Occupy protestors gathered for what the movement described in a release as its “largest coordinated action this year.”…

occupy wall street

Mad, Passionate Love — and Violence: Occupy Heads into the Spring

by Rebecca Solnit Feb. 21, 2012 http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/02/21-5 When you fall in love, it’s all about what you have in common, and you can hardly imagine that there are differences, let alone that you…

oakland port

Occupy Plans to Shut Down US West Coast Ports

Action relates to union battle over Longview terminal – though union itself has disowned the planned shutdown By Adam Gabbatt 9 December 2011 19.41 EST http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/10/occupy-shutdown-west-coast-ports The Occupy movement will attempt to shut down all…

Bill of Rights, Constitution Overruled by Corrupt U.S. Senate

By Mike Adams NaturalNews December 2, 2011 The mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about this story even though it is arguably the single most important story of the year in terms…

Massachusetts Attorney General Lawsuit: Five Major U.S. Banks Accused of Deceptive Foreclosure Practices

Arthur Delaney, Huffington Post, 12-1-11 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/01/massachusetts-ag-foreclosure-lawsuit-banks_n_1123393.html WASHINGTON — Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is suing five of the nation’s biggest banks for deceptive foreclosure and mortgage modification practices, her office announced Thursday. Coakley’s…

us senate

US Eyes Blackout of ‘Rogue Websites’

rt.com,  28 October, 2011 http://rt.com/news/us-bill-rogue-websites-991/ New anti-piracy legislation placed before the US House of Representatives would allow copyright law to be used to close down websites. Sites such as Wikileaks would be vulnerable, sparking…

ubs bank

Swiss Banks Said Ready to Reveal Clients

David Voreacos, Klaus Wille and Giles Broom, 10-24-11, Bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-24/swiss-banks-said-ready-to-pay-billions-disclose-customer-names.html Swiss banks will probably settle a sweeping U.S. probe of offshore tax evasion by paying billions of dollars and handing over names of…

wall street grows

5 Ways To Support The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement

by Beth Buczynski http://www.care2.com/causes/5-ways-to-support-the-occupy-wall-street-movement.html#ixzz1ZYnVbxQ6 Here are 5 ways that you can show the Occupy Wall Street movement that you stand united in revolution. 1. Spread The Word This is the easiest way to support…

occupy map

Occupy Wall Street Updates + Protests Spread to Chicago, Portland and More

Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread to Chicago http://occupychi.org Occupy Together – Nationwide Hub for Starting a Protest in Your City http://occupytogether.org/ Occupy Portland – Launching Protests We’ve witnessed an exponentially growing list of communities…

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