"upliftment" tag
abundance pachamama

SaLuSa: 11-11-11 Approaches Rapidly; Upliftment Awaits

SaLuSa via Laura Tyco http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/2011/11/salusa-to-me-8-nov-2011-towards-111111.html Events continue to move on at a faster pace than previously, and the world looks on at the decline in Europe that will have far-reaching implications. The problem…

snow mountain lake

Andromedans: Connect With Gaia as She Shifts Into Higher Realms

Andromedans via Ute http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-from-andromeda-galaxy-4-unite.html We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy. Dearest earth humans, We have a…

orcadian stones

Pleiadians: You Are Shortly to be Uplifted

Pleiadians via Greg Giles http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com We wish to communicate with you from the Star Realms. All through your many lives incarnate within the physical vessel and the physical worlds, you were subjected to…

exploding consciousness

Sananda: Awakening is a Chain Reaction

Sananda via Ute  http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-f-rom-sananda-4-awakening-is.html My dearest Ones, Your recent history has proven to you that you had no chance to develop spiritually, only very few souls who were strong enough and specifically destined…

painted sunset

Saul: The Illusion of Duality Continues to Dissolve

Saul via John Smallman http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com The waiting is almost over as you prepare to terminate your support for the illusion and allow it to dissolve into nothingness. It was but a brief idea…

the light in the storm

SaLuSa: Events Heralding Major Change Right Around the Corner

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey   http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/November2011/salusa_2november2011.htm 2-November-2011 We can feel the rising expectation of events that are going to change your lives. The “quick fix” that many countries are trying to use to…

path to glory

Saul: Your Worlds Secrets Are Being Revealed

Saul via John Smallman http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com November 1, 2011 These are exciting times for humanity, as old attitudes of judgment, mistrust, and conflict are released by large numbers of you, allowing you to reassess…

fall changes

Pleiadians: Changes to Come in Rapid Succession

Pleiadians via Greg Giles http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com Many of you love all others of your world unconditionally, though there are those who distain others and only care about themselves, therefore making no attempt to contribute…

cloud mountain orange

Archangel Gabriel: You Move Forward in the Most Remarkable Ways

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young http://www.trinityesoterics.wordpress.com Greetings Dear Ones! How pleased and honored we are to be in your presence today. Such exciting times you are experiencing on your planet right now. We…

galactic ring

SaLuSa: Your Time Has Come

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/October%202011/salusa__28october2011.htm 28-October-2011 As you are fond of saying “things are heating up” and the signs are there for all to see. The old paradigm is breaking up before your…

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