"upliftment" tag
occupy oakland demonstrations

Brianna Lee: Occupy Movement at a Crossroads as Evictions Spread

By Brianna Lee, The Daily Need, November 16, 2011 http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/the-daily-need/occupy-movement-at-a-crossroads-as-evictions-spread/12364/ Occupy Wall Street protesters were still in Zuccotti Park Wednesday morning, but without their tents after Police removed them during a raid on Tuesday. In…

creation of soul

The Pleiadian High Council: You are the Prime Creators of What You Feel and Experience

Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/2011/11/26/the-pleiadian-high-council-you-are-the-prime-creators-of-what-you-feel-and-experience/ Wes: I will probably not do all of my PHC channelings in audio format, but I figured I would try it out this time and see…

light of heaven

Jeshua ben Joseph: Something Unusual is Going On

  Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com November 27, 2011 With major political and economic changes occurring all over the world no one can any longer claim to be unaware of the…

internal awakening

Saul: Truly a Time of Great Joy is Approaching

Saul via John Smallman http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com As time rolls rapidly onwards in the illusion many events of enormous significance continue to occur all over the world as the changes that are essential for your…

volcano green light

Cosmic Awareness: SaLuSa and Matthew Channelings Require Discernment

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff http://www.cosmicawareness.org Questioner: We have a question from Yvonne Olliver, in Calumet, Michigan. She asks, “Michael Quinsey is a Brit who channels a source that calls itself SaLuSa. It claims…

sunrise ascension

Ascended Masters: Our Energies Must be Felt before our Words can be Processed

Ascended Masters via Wes Annac http://www.aquariuschannelings.com Dearest souls, we wish to guide to you now to treat yourselves and others with much ease, grace and caring. Your body is going through a very…

light of the mental body

Andromeda Galaxy: The God of the True Lightworker

Andromeda Galaxy via Ute http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/god-of-true-lightworker.html  We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy. Dearest Ones, it is assumed…

jellyfish fractal light

Archangel Gabriel: Living Life in Thanksgiving

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel www.thegabrielmessages.com Tuesday, 22 November, 2011  (posted 24 November, 2011) Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, it can…

whisps of light

Archangel Gabriel: Weekly Message November 24th

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Sweltishoff   November 24, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love called leadership. This quality enables One to uplift and inspire those…

star splash desert

SaLuSa: You Bring Yourselves Closer to Transformation

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/November2011/salusa_23november2011.htm Nov. 23, 2011 People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common…

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