"transformation" tag

July 2013 Energetic Forecast: The Great Emotional Cleanse

HJ: Higher levels of awareness and consciousness require us to release those habits, beliefs, thoughts and patterns which no longer serve our highest good.  In this way, we undergo a powerful emotional and…


The Transformational Power of Habits: How to Use Them to Rapidly Change Your Life

HJ: Habits can be massively powerful tools for personal transformation and rapid growth.  By making something a regular part of your life — devoting a set amount of time to it on a…


Laying the Foundation for Personal Transformation

HJ: It’s easy to get caught up (or perhaps, stuck…) in a routine.  Especially for those working a full-time 9-5 job, where the days begin to blur together and months slip away at…

starry sky tree

Saul: Peace and Love are Arising from the Grassroots of Society

Saul via John Smallman November 23, 2011 http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com Humanity’s decision to awaken from the dream into Reality has been greatly welcomed in the spiritual realms where we watch over you constantly with loving…

star splash desert

SaLuSa: You Bring Yourselves Closer to Transformation

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/November2011/salusa_23november2011.htm Nov. 23, 2011 People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common…

mayan shift dimensions

Carl Calleman: The 9th Wave Continues After Oct. 28th, 2011

By Carl Calleman http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/The9thWaveContinues.htm In earlier articles I have promised to get back to the issue of how the energies will continue and what Mayan calendar, if any, to use after its “end”….

Rain leaves light

Archangel Michael: 11-11-11 is A Great Moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn http://www.starchildglobal.com/NewYorkNov211.html The New Earth Energies October 2011 Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New…

the quickening clock

The Quickening (Documentary)

All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they… believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality… or…

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