"transformation" tag

How to Raise Your Vibration and Be The Change You Want to See in The World

HJ: You raising your vibration is the single most important thing you can do in this life.  And in doing so, you will have the biggest possible impact you can have on yourself…


How to Successfully Navigate Major Changes and Upheaval in Your Life

HJ: We often fear the unknown and therefore we often fear change, but the truth is life is conspiring in your favor at all times.  Either to a) show you where you still…


5 Effective Ways to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Uncertainty

HJ: Fear is not real.  It is a misperception of events, circumstances and reality in general.  By correcting your perception, you can effectively overcome fear, anxiety, uncertainty and any other negative emotional state…


8 Keys to Consciously Navigating Rough Patches in Your Relationships

HJ: Relationships have a tendency to bring out the best and worst in us and for that reason, they are excellent opportunities to practice living consciously and looking within to identify and heal…


5 Steps to Transcend Old Habits and Permanently Transform Your Life

HJ: It’s time to let go of the past and make room for something far better in your life.  We often cling to the past because we fear the unknown of what is…


How to Bring Your Life into a Rhythm of Effortlessness and Flow

HJ: Flow and effortlessness is a result of choosing the path of least resistance.  That doesn’t mean choosing an easy path, per se, but to choose a path that has the least internal…


Feeling Stuck? 5 Questions to Help You Catalyze Big, Positive Changes in Your Life

HJ: Change is the only constant in life and yet we have a tendency to resist it because it often pushes outside of our comfort zone.  This is resistance that we are feeling…


The 4 Common Traits of People Who Changed the World

HJ: All people who changed the world share a common list of traits that allowed them to accomplish the extraordinary task of changing the course of history and transforming human consciousness.  I know many of you…


Make Peace With Your Past: How to Transform Painful or Difficult Memories Into Opportunities for Growth and Healing

HJ: Most people accept that their past is set in stone and cannot be changed, however, this is a fallacy.  This kind of belief/thinking leads you to constantly re-experience painful or difficult memories…


How To Eliminate the Hidden Fears Keeping You From Reaching Your Highest Potential

HJ: Until we face and work through them, we all have hidden — yet still consciously accessible — fears that in some way are keeping us from being happier/healthier/more successful/ or reaching our…

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