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A Simple But Powerful Practice for Creating More Synchronicities in Your Life

By Lori Mariani, LCSW, CYT | Lotus Spiral — “Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.” ~ Carl Jung I see the world as an intricately woven…


The 7 Keys to Cultivating Synchronicity in Your Life

HJ: Synchronicities often seem to happen randomly, but they actually obey a set of principles that when applied in your life cause synchronous moments to happen far more frequently.  And these moments are…


Are You Misinterpreting Synchronicities and Signs From the Universe? How to Tell What is Important

HJ:  As a lifelong surfer, one of the quotes that always seemed to stay with me was one by the famous surfing pioneer, Duke Kahanamoku.  He once said ‘You no go find wave…


Seeing What Others Don’t: How to Train Your Mind to Experience Epiphanies and Insights

HJ: Epiphanies and insight can be cultivated.  For instance, yesterday I was walking down the beach, letting my mind roam wherever it so desired (one of the conditions for experiencing epiphanies as described…


Understanding Synchronicity: 6 Tips For Learning How to Recognize When the Universe is Sending You a Message

HJ: When you really begin to ponder the incredible amount of alignment that needs to take place in order for a synchronicity to occur, it becomes undeniable that there are some larger forces…


The Hidden Meaning of Synchronicities and Coincidences

HJ: Albert Einstein famously said “God does not play dice with the universe.”  Despite what we have been led to believe about coincidences and synchronicities (namely that they are little more than chance),…


The Role of Synchronicity in Our Lives: Recognizing the Keys to Our Destiny

HJ: Life is not random. There are no coincidences — only significant events and occurrences   Yes, everything is significant in its own way, at its own level.  This is the true, beautiful and supremely…

greecian sunset

Archangel Gabriel: Weekly Message

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com November 17, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love known as surrender. This quality entails the letting go…

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