"starseed" tag

How Accepting Your Past Will Unlock Your Future Potential

HJ: Actively creating our lives to reflect our higher nature and divine will requires us to be intensely focused on the outcome we wish to manifest.  This cannot happen if one is mired…

third eye space

Sananda: The Vast Majority of Your “Shoulds” are Self-Imposed Stressors

June 10, 2012 by John Smallman http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2012/06/10/the-vast-majority-of-your-shoulds-are-self-imposed-stressors/ This waiting period — the calm and seemingly empty space before the grand awakening — can be and is very unsettling for many of you.  You are…

mount shasta angels

Shimmering Ones: Much Will Change Over the Coming Days

Shimmering Ones via Karen Doonan www.crystalline-sanctuary.com We come to guide and support as the energies once more heighten and the human race begins to move into clarity of vision and honing of hearing….

storm ocean

Elohim: Welcome to the Age of Aquarius

http://theangeldiaries.org/2012/06/07/%E2%9D%80%E2%9D%80-elohim-peace-and-aloha-welcome-to-the-age-of-aquarius-by-aurora-le-june-7-2012/ June 7, 2012. By AuroRa Le ❀ We are Peace and Aloha, in union, and today we greet you-Dear Friends old and new.  To the old we would like to say how fine…

the light in the storm

Why Some Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos Experience Negative Attacks and Others Don’t

By Denise Le Fay http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/ “Dear Denise, I’m writing because I am concerned that there may be some of us, and I am one, who believes that I am protected from the Dark,…

jellyfish fractal light

Archangel Michael: The Illumined Path Through Duality

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/illumined-path-center-duality-transmitted-through-ronna-herman Beloved masters, we will acknowledge that these are strange and disconcerting times for all of you, no matter what level of Self-awareness you have attained. The teachings…

crystal vortex arkansas

The Energy of 11-11-11: The Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface

(Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis) Part One  of  a Two Segment Channel Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn  http://www.earth-keeper.com/ Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light! I greet…

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