"spirituality" tag

Trading Victimhood for Creatorship

HJ: This is such a wonderful and profound article by Neale, which manages to simplify a concept that many struggle with both consciously and unconsciously.  The fact is, taking responsibility for creating our…


Cultivating Health, Happiness, Abundance and Awareness in 2013

HJ: What you focus your mind on expands.  So why not focus on those things which encourage health, happiness, abundance and awareness?  What we create in this lifetime is based on our personal…


How Manifestation Really Works

HJ:  As has been repeatedly stated on this site, in order to access your true powers of manifestation — your birthright as a powerful creator being — you must gain control over your…


Do You Know Your Soul’s Purpose?

HJ:  There is an objective absolute purpose for the creation and development of a soul, which is simply an aspect of the Creator/God seeking to understand itself/consciousness/existence more fully.  This can occur in…


Techniques for Remembering Your Dreams

HJ: Our dreams hold many messages and clues for us in the waking state.  In the dream state our souls leave the physical body and travel through the astral realms into the 4th…


The Secrets to Mastery in This Lifetime

HJ:  This is an incredible article.  You are literally being handed a blueprint to higher consciousness.  You are being spoon fed answers to some of the greatest existential mysteries that plague the minds of mankind….


Laying the Foundation for Personal Transformation

HJ: It’s easy to get caught up (or perhaps, stuck…) in a routine.  Especially for those working a full-time 9-5 job, where the days begin to blur together and months slip away at…


Eat for Enlightenment: Tapping Into The Subtle Energies of Our Food

HJ: Just as crystals and water carry a very real and potentially powerful energy, so too does our food.  In fact, different foods have profoundly different energies and effects on the mind-body-spirit triad….


Understanding the Basics of Shamanic Visioning

HJ: The Shaman teaches through direct experience, whereas we are taught to analyze and study first in Western society.  No amount of study can ever prepare one fully for direct experience.  As many…


Archangel Metatron: The Integrity of Prayer Questing & The Mechanics of Sedona Star-Gates

HJ: There is nothing like an Archangel Metatron (via James Tyberonn) message to keep motivation high and help one shift to a deeper understanding of exactly what is occuring in the collective and…

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