"spirituality" tag

7 Keys to Creating Real Happiness in Your Everyday Life

HJ: Happiness is ultimately the product of acceptance of what is happening in your life, no matter how ‘good’ or ‘bad’.  It is a byproduct of the transcendence of dualistic ideals of good…


Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: December 2014 Horoscope

December 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 In order to step…


A Complete Guide to the Spiritual and Alchemical Properties of Everyday Foods and Herbs

HJ: It is articles like these that capture much of the lost wisdom from the ancient sages and bridge modern scientific understandings with sacred spiritual knowledge.  This is a powerful, interesting and thought-provoking…


The Art of Transformation: Mindfulness Practices to End Suffering and Create Deep Peace in Your Life

HJ: Mindfulness is the art of detaching from your thoughts and therefore the suffering they invariably generate.  By doing so you drop into a deeper state of consciousness which gives rise to higher…


25 Truths About Life That Will Amplify Your Happiness and Joy

HJ: When you see yourself and the world differently, it changes everything.  This piece will help you reframe your life in a way that leads to higher satisfaction, joy, happiness and fulfillment. – Truth…


9 Simple Shifts That Will Help You Find Greater Happiness and Peace of Mind in Your Everyday Life

HJ: Sometimes we just need simple reminders to keep us on track.  Day to day life can be confusing and overwhelming and trying to live consciously in a generally unconscious world can nudge…


9 Powerful Ways to Tap Into Your Spiritual Abundance

HJ: Abundance is your birthright.  It is the natural state of the cosmos and life as we know it.  Look around you, abundance is everywhere — trees, flowers, food, air, water continually renew…


How to Discover Your Spiritual Power Animal

HJ: Discovering your spiritual power animal is an incredible potent, ancient way to connect more deeply with yourself, who you are and the natural world.  Power animals are archetypal and have much to…


How to Break Through the Illusion of Limitation (and Start Creating Your Hearts Deepest Desires)

HJ: The only limitations that exist for us are the ones that we falsely believe are true.  Limitation only exist in the mind and therefore it can be erased.  It is absolutely an illusion,…


October 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

HJ: The position of the stars and planets at the moment of your birth does not determine the course of your life.  That is up to you.  However, what it does do is…

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