"spirituality" tag

Exploring the Hidden History of Earth: Looking Beyond Mainstream Thought For The Truth of Our Origins

HJ: Peruvian shamans speak of the process of unlearning — that is, unlearning all the things we have unconsciously accepted as fact as children and into adulthood.  These beliefs and perceptions which were…


The Top 10 Destinations for Conscious Travelers

HJ: Thinking about taking a trip but are sick of resorts and other commercial, touristy destinations?  Nourish your soul with these conscious travel destinations, which offer spiritual substance in addition to their breathtaking beauty.  Much…


How to Release Your Past So You Can Experience Happiness Right Now

HJ: We often do not realize that we are caught up in thinking about the past.  Until we begin practicing mindfulness regularly and get a handle on our thoughts, we typically operate somewhat unconsciously.  Furthermore, we…


Can This Forgotten Chinese Herb Replace Antidepressants? Master Acupuncturists Say Yes

HJ: There are many herbs that exist just outside of mainstream awareness with truly incredible health giving and healing properties.  The knowledge of them exists in isolated pockets around the world and obscure…


The Hidden Meaning of Synchronicities and Coincidences

HJ: Albert Einstein famously said “God does not play dice with the universe.”  Despite what we have been led to believe about coincidences and synchronicities (namely that they are little more than chance),…


How Gratitude Can Help You Sail Through Hard Times

HJ: Practicing gratitude honestly will reframe seemingly negative situations or challenges into opportunities for growth and greater awareness of the self.  It really is all about perspective.  We can choose to view a…


Why Are We So Driven to Bond With Each Other? Bruce Lipton Weighs In

HJ: The drive to bond is a fundamental characteristic of human existence.  It is such an innate drive that it can be likened to those survival instincts that are essential to our daily…


The Metaphysics of Money: How Your Mind and Spirit Control the Flow of Wealth in Your Life

HJ: Money is one of the big three — the other two being sex and religion — which engender the fiercest and most distorted reactions out of any subjects in the realm of human experience….


A Guide to The Fundamentals of Sacred Geometry

HJ: Even a basic understanding of the science of sacred geometry can take us a long way in developing a deeper connection with the world around us.  Suddenly, you can see the basic…


How to Use the Eclipse Energies to Grow and Improve Your Life

HJ: You don’t have to be particularly sensitive to notice the amplified energies that occur around eclipses.  These relatively rare celestial alignments offer unique opportunities for spiritually aware individuals to harness their energies for accelerated personal…

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