Life-Changing Lessons You Can Learn From the Regrets of the Dying (and How to Avoid Making the Same Mistakes as They Did)
HJ: The regrets of the dying offer us profound insight into what we can do to make living our lives more fulfilling and ultimately happier and richer. We have a tendency to get so…
The Secrets of Shamanic Medicine: How to Cultivate Healing Through Spiritual Awareness
HJ: Shamanic medicine is a powerful form of healing that works at the spiritual level primarily, realizing that it is here where all true healing occurs. In fact, one can cure all chromic disease…
35 Powerful Affirmations to Reprogram Your Mind For Health, Happiness, and Abundance
HJ: Depending on who you ask, affirmations are either life changing or simply don’t work. Why the major discrepancy? I’ll tell you and at the same time show you how to make sure…
How to Speak the Language of Your Intuition
HJ: We are constantly receiving intuitive messages, however, most people have not learned to speak the language of their intuition and therefore are not tapping into the full benefits of this incredible ability…
Why People Behave As They Do: Understanding How the Mind Works and It’s Influence on How We Act
HJ: This is a highly useful article, especially for self-reflection and personal understanding, but it is to be noted that it focuses primarily on maladaptive behaviors we adopt as coping mechanisms to fit…
Emotional Intelligence: How to Understand the Messages Your Emotions Hold For You
HJ: We are perfectly prepared to navigate the complexities of life, to be effortlessly guided through the often times murky waters of that seem un-navigable. Our emotions, which are part of our larger,…
Great Minds on Spirituality: Understanding Your Spiritual Journey and How it Affects Your Life
HJ: The word ‘spirituality’ is tossed around pretty liberally these days, but what does it really mean? What does it mean to be spiritual? Why is it important? How does it affect your…
Understanding Your Mind: How Your Beliefs Create and Influence Reality
HJ: Many of us make the mistake of believing that the laws of physics and science are supreme laws that govern reality, when, in fact, they are only subsidiary laws of the larger…