7 Powerful Ways to Accelerate Your Spiritual Evolution
HJ: The beauty of spiritual evolution is that it is at once our ‘destiny’ and also brings with it happiness, fulfillment, joy and the end of suffering. We simply need to shed those habits,…

How I Healed and Strengthened My DNA: An Introduction to the Regenetics Method
HJ: There are few subjects which are simultaneously so fascinating and mysterious as the function and purpose of our DNA. As science continues to break new ground in this area, we are collectively…

How to Achieve Your Dreams: Developing the Qualities that Lead to Success and Happiness
HJ: In a general sense, as humans, we all have the same experiences in life uniquely tailored to our own specific situation. For example, we all experience happiness, frustration, adversity, pain, joy, empathy…

The Art of Changing For The Better
HJ: To put it simply, this is a profound text — one that should be referred to every so often to keep oneself calibrated and centered on their spiritual path. Truly profound words…