"sound healing" tag

Everything You Need to Know About Healing and Activating You DNA With Sound

HJ: In this brilliant article, spiritual genius Brendan D. Murphy shares everything you need to know about healing and activating your DNA with sacred sound frequencies. – Truth Note: The Healers Journal has…


How to Bring Your Mind, Body and Spirit into Balance Using Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

HJ: Solfeggio frequencies are an ancient science, long used by monks and other spiritually aware individuals to instill harmony and balance in the mind, body and spirit.   Solfeggio Frequencies work through vibration…


The Power of Sound: How Vibration Helps Us Heal

HJ: Every atom in the universe and cell in your body is vibrating constantly and this can be directed and enhanced through the power of sound frequencies in the form of words and…


Using Sound to Heal: How Modern Medicine is Rediscovering an Ancient Tibetan Tradition

HJ: Long before modern healing music became popular, ancient cultures in Tibet and throughout the world were refining and developing the science of using sound for healing and the expansion of consciousness.  The…


How to Use Sound to Heal: Understanding the Principles of Resonance in the Human Body

HJ: Anyone who has experienced a quality sound healing can attest to the profound power they have to induce states of expanded awareness and deep healing. But how, exactly does this work? What…


The Power of Sound and How to Use it to Create Positive Results in Your Life

HJ: Sound has an incredible ability to heal and alter consciousness.  Typically we experience sound in our lives as music, ambient noise or verbally as language.  While these types of sound can and…


Create Your Own Sound Healing With Chakra Seed Mantras

HJ: Each Chakra can be activated and cleansed with powerful Bija Mantra’s or ‘seed mantras’.  A mantra is a sacred sound or phrase that has specific transformative effects on the mind-body-spirit triad.  Simply…

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DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment

DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment By Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer — It has been over a century since DNA was discovered and yet scientists still have not understood the true…


The Healers Journal Releases New Sound Healing Download: ‘The Soul Defragmentation’

The Healers Journal is proud to offer the latest installment in an ongoing series of sound healings that will be released exclusively on this website.  This series has been created with the intention…

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Hathor World Meditation on 11-11-11

Transmissions of Light: Reminder A Hathor Planetary Meditation Reminder from Tom Kenyon http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/hathor-transmissions-of-light-world-meditation-on-111111/ The World Meditation on 11/11/11 The actual “Transmissions of Light” World Meditation (as our group together in Seattle will experience…

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