"saul" tag
path to glory

Saul: Your Worlds Secrets Are Being Revealed

Saul via John Smallman http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com November 1, 2011 These are exciting times for humanity, as old attitudes of judgment, mistrust, and conflict are released by large numbers of you, allowing you to reassess…

burma monks march

Saul: You Must Be The Change

Saul via John Smallman October 30, 2011 http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com Despite any doubts you may have, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness is getting ever closer, and it will not be delayed or…

dawn desert

Saul: Your Tireless Efforts Are Now Bearing Fruit

Saul via John Smallman http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ All you light~bearers ~ and if you read this you are a light~bearer ~ have been working diligently to help humanity to awaken, and your tireless efforts are…

cliffs of moher ireland

Saul: The Illusion is Ending

Saul via John Smallman 10~23~2011 http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com As humanity’s time for being lost in the illusion of its collective, imaginary physical reality rolls towards its conclusion, continue to focus on your intent to change…

indian sri painting

Saul: Your Journey into Full Consciousness is Accelerating

Saul via John Smallman October 16, 2011 http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com As is becoming very clear, economic and political changes are happening all over the world that the mainstream media can no longer avoid reporting on….


Saul: This Explosion of Love Among Humans Worldwide is Remarkable

Saul via John Smallman http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com October 12, 2011 Your progress toward awakening is accelerating as you approach that momentous event, and almost everyone is feeling restless while at the same time experiencing a…

light of the mental body

Saul: Changing Your Beliefs Leads to Freedom

Saul via John Smallman http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/author/johnsmallman/ Many of you are finding life very trying at present as various issues that need your attention rumble around just below your level of conscious awareness, stirring up…

mati klarwein

Saul: You Will Begin to Get Glimpses and Premonitions of the Wonders that Await You

Saul via John Smallman http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com October 5, 2011 The density of physicality is diminishing as your frequencies rise in preparation for your move into full consciousness. This is demonstrated by the sense of…

the light pyramid

Saul: What is Meant by “The End Times”

Saul via John Smallman God’s Love for humanity and for all of His creation is limitless, eternal, and indiscriminate, He loves all with equal intensity, and so called “sins” are no barrier to His…

awakening forest

Saul: Humanity on Course for its Great Awakening

Saul via John Smallman Humanity is on course and on schedule for its great awakening.  All over the world excited anticipation is building and intensifying, yet many have no idea why they are…

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