"protests" tag

Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen President, Agrees To Sign Power Transfer Deal

By JAMAL AL-JASHINI, Huffington Post, 11/23/11 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/23/ali-abdullah-saleh-power-transfer_n_1109597.html SANAA, Yemen — Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh plans to sign a deal Wednesday in the Saudi capital that could mean the end of his 33-year…

oakland port

Occupy Oakland Calls for Total West Coast Port Shutdown on 12/12

Nov. 19, 2011, 8:35 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt http://occupywallst.org/article/occupy-oakland-calls-total-west-coast-port-shutdow/ Proposal for a Coordinated West Coast Port Shutdown, Passed With Unanimous Consensus by vote of the Occupy Oakland General Assembly 11/18/2012: In response to coordinated attacks…

che occupy wall street love

The Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For

Robert Scheer, The Nation, November 17, 2011 http://www.thenation.com/print/article/164669/villain-occupy-wall-street-has-been-waiting In the pantheon of billionaires without shame, Michael Bloomberg, the Wall Street banker turned business-press lord turned mayor, is now secure at the top. What…

Demand Progress

Demand Progress: Internet Censorship Bill Shot Down

Note from Demand Progress: We Are Winning: Pelosi Comes Out Against Internet Censorship Bill Nobody thought it could be done, but it looks like we’ve turned the tide against the Internet Blacklist Bill….

occupy tokyo

Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong Occupied —Beijing Worried

Submitted by Bill Weinberg on Sat, 11/19/ http://www.ww4report.com/node/10547 Inspired by the global Occupation movement, a group of mostly women protesters from all over Japan are camping in front of the Ministry of Economy,…

berkley protests

Occupy Berkley: Free Public Education For All

http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/occupy-berkeley-marches-for-universal-accessibility/ Occupy Berkeley is marching for free public education. In the Sixties, we called this “universal accessibility.” I recall hearing that one of my soccer buddies was unable to go to university because…

occupy wall street

The Occupy Movement Needs Your Help Securing Shelter

Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake.com (From email) With winter quickly approaching, 1%-friendly Mayors like NYC’s billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Oakland’s Jean Quan and other mayors appear to be coordinating raids of occupations, destroying their tents and…

italian resistance

The Technocratic Revulsion Begins: Photos And Video As Thousands Of Italians Protest Monti’s “Banker” Government

By Tyler Durden http://www.zerohedge.com/news/technocratic-revulsion-begins-photos-and-video-thousands-italians-protest-montis-banker-governm Well that was quick: Italy is about to be acquainted with the old Asian saying that a “known devil is better then unknown angel”, especially when the angel is…

occupy oakland demonstrations

1,000 at old Occupy Oakland camp to discuss future

Jill Tucker, Demian Bulwa, Kevin Fagan,Matthai Kuruvila, SF Chronicle Staff Writers Tuesday, November 15, 2011 http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/11/14/BAD91LUQMM.DTL#ixzz1dnqn1BGC Sean Palmer was among a few protesters who were attempting to occupy the intersection at Broadway and…

occupy storm

‘Occupy Supply’ Organizes to Help Protests Survive Winter

By Hayley Miller, Huffington Post, Nov. 3, 2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/03/occupy-wall-street-winter-firedoglake-occupy-supply_n_1073977.html WASHINGTON — As temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, thousands of Occupy protesters arebeginning to fear the approaching winter while many of their supporters…

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