"Personal Development" tag

Moving Into Compassion: Why You Need to Stop Worrying and Start Caring Instead

HJ: The act of worrying reflects a deep caring about the given outcome of a situation, however, in its essence, worrying is simply a projection of a certain level of fear and therefore…

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Feeling Stuck? 7 Questions That Will Help You Radically Change Your Life

HJ: If you are feeling stuck, it is likely because you are unable to see beyond the perceptions that currently create the framework of your life.  In these cases, it is important to…


Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions? How to Positively Shift Your Focus and Empower Your Life

HJ: Almost all of us have a continual inner dialogue which is operating on autopilot so to speak.  It is fueled by our subconscious mind which has internalized certain beliefs about ourselves and…


How to Use Energy Medicine Techniques to Build Your Self Esteem

HJ: Building your self esteem is critical for so many different facets of life it is hard to comprehend.  It is one of the fundamental attributes of what creates a happy, fulfilled life,…


Living Courageously: 5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear and Live a Life of Passion

HJ: Fear is a biological mechanism designed to keep us safe and alive, however, when we react fearfully to situations that do not threaten our survival directly, it begins to cause problems in…


How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals

HJ: Imagination is one of the most powerful faculties we posses for achieving our dreams and goals. It is essentially a blank canvas where we can flesh out ideas, inspiration and creative ways…


What it Takes to Be Great: What We Can Learn From Those Who Live Their Dreams

HJ: Greatness is not something that only a select few ‘talented’ individuals are born with the potential to achieve.  It is an attitude towards living that anyone can adopt and learn that produces…


How to Stop Over-Thinking the Important Decisions in Your Life

HJ: Over-thinking the choices we face in life is a sign of self-doubt, lack of intuition and over reliance on the analytical mind and it is something that we all tend to fall…


4 Questions to Help You Rediscover Your Passion in Life

HJ: If you have lost site of or even forgotten your passion in life, you’re not alone.  Without consistent attention and nurture, our dreams and passions tend to fade from memory as we…


The 4 Keys to Lasting Happiness

HJ: There is such a great quote in this article: Pleasure is not happiness.  Pleasure is conditional and happiness is not conditional.  I think this is a big area of confusion for many…

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