"Personal Development" tag

The Secrets to Mastery in This Lifetime

HJ:  This is an incredible article.  You are literally being handed a blueprint to higher consciousness.  You are being spoon fed answers to some of the greatest existential mysteries that plague the minds of mankind….

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Taming the Wandering Mind

HJ: Most people operate from a state in which they are controlled by the mind.  They associate the thoughts of their mind as their own, when in reality, the mind is simply regurgitating…


Laying the Foundation for Personal Transformation

HJ: It’s easy to get caught up (or perhaps, stuck…) in a routine.  Especially for those working a full-time 9-5 job, where the days begin to blur together and months slip away at…


The Transformative Power of the Mentor

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” – Zen Proverb HJ: In divine time, we will all awaken. However, those whose impetus is to reach as high a level of consciousness and…


Understanding the Power of Gratitude

HJ: When I recount the most transformative experiences of my life, learning to truly practice gratitude day in and day out is consistently at the top of the list.  The fact is, this…


What You Focus Your Mind On Will Only Expand

HJ: I think the title of this article is pretty straightforward, and thats part of the beauty of this concept.  It is so incredibly simple that you instantly know exactly what you need…


Polarity and the Illusions of Life and Death

HJ: It’s 2013.  Time to stop beating around the bush and drill down into some serious esoteric material with substance.  While amateur changelings and messages certainly have their spot in the grand scheme of things…

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Osho: You Are Absolutely Essential

HJ: Osho is one of the most interesting and provocative philosophers of the 21st century.  His thoughts and ideas have simultaneously helped many to reach higher levels of awareness and also managed to…


Pragito Dove: 5 Keys to Stay Positive in Challenging Times

HJ:  There are many people struggling with staying positive at the moment.  Positivity and hope are two of the most powerful concepts one can master on the spiritual path and are critical for…


Robert Collier: The Formula of Success

HJ: It has been my experience that the two biggest obstacles to success are personal limting beliefs and lack of drive, discipline and will.  Only when these two obstacles are overcome will someone truly be…

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